So it’s the new rage in town, massive adverts and billboards. But woe unto you if you use this service. Tuanze hapa, let’s say you buy airtime ya 50 Bob and subscribe, and only use facebook and whatsapp strictly, hata usidownload pics and vids, naturally your balance should remain 30 Bob. Now this thing will send you a message ‘bundles exhausted’ in less than hour. It will then gooble up your remaining airtime. Check in into their fb page and ask a question and this bastard called ‘jemo^^’ will tell you that you have background applications running.
Sasa hii ndio place inasinya kabisa and warranted me to post this. When they exhaust your credit, your balance remains 0.02 sh. So obviously if you top up 20 Bob to subscribe again, Bal should be 20.02 Sindio?
Hawa wahindi wameamua Bal should be 19.02 sh so that you top again and the credit goobled up again. TOTAL RIPOFF!!!
Inaitwa bandit economy. Ata Equitel (which coincidentally uses airtel’s infrastructure) niliona wana umeffi sana. The day I got my equitel line, my kiherehere prompted me to buy sijui 50mb of data, which I promptly forgot about coz I use safcon to browse. Can you imagine the fuckers texting me like a week later to inform me my bundle was exhausted? Ata kama sisi ni birrionaires bana, hii pesa hatuchuni kwa miti.
i guess common sense dictates we look for bargains, right? what we always need to remember is that the merchant is driven by the need to extract more from you. be wary with “offers”…
Ya hii roundi it’s very convenient, yaani Bob will make you top up another 20sh. Ati evidence @aviator , seriously? Ni mapema sana kuharibu siku, ile matusi ungepokea…
I remember not so long ago I received a text that am out of bundles n decided to top up my MBS, after kununua na kupata confirmation, napata text ingine ati bundles zimekata so I thot ni joke BT shock o. me kuangalia balance sina bundles na credo pia hakuna… let’s jus say that was the last day I touched my airtel line. Safaricon at least wanaibanga pole pole so theirs I can tolerate
I’ve never browsed using equitel, which is why I was surprised that I had “exhausted” my bundle. I guess their speeds are no different from airtel’s, since they piggyback on airtel. They don’t seem all that interested in data though (mobile money is what made them start equitel), so I wouldn’t recommend them.
They must have borrowed the bad habit from Safaricom. If after all the market leader steals and all that folks can do is complain with no repercussions while they rake in the profits, why not also join the gravy train?And yes, I have dealt online with that jamo and another caro and both are cunts.
The only thing Airtel is guilty of is slow internet. Stealing your bundles? No. That’s on you! UnLiminet == 20MB + free WhatsApp, FB, Twitter at 256Kbps. The data expires in 24hrs. Seems straight forward to me. Even though bastardjemo^^'s response seems canned, he most likely is right.