Magufool only knows how to antagonize and revenge against Kenya.
Why doesn’t he now also quarantine Zambian drivers?
Jamaa kapata views 3 pekee kwenye youtube, na hapa yuajifanya bingwa! Work on your rhymes badala ya kubishana na elders wako hapa!
“Magufuli the African Icon” :D:D:D:D
here comes another one… “East african tumebarikiwa kuwa na Diamond ( the King of Genge, Bongo fleva and all east African music)” :D:D:D:D
Oh wait “Land yenu ni kame (desert) pia mna malocust kwenye mashamba yenu” …yo i dont know shit about TZ yet this suckers even know about locust :D:D:D:D i bet they can even draw the Kenyan map :D:D:D:D
Bongolala enda ukatombwe matako na magufool ufeel poa
He needs the Zambian market.
To the North there is slightly moneyed Uganda under lockdown.
To the south there is the impoverished and failing Frelimo led Mozambique(And Islamic terrorists who are effectively ruling the border areas) and slightly moneyed Malawi under lockdown
To the west there is upcoming Rwanda led by Kagame who doesn’t stand for any nonsense from anyone.
Also in the west is poor as shit Burundi led by a village idiot and the most miserable nation in Africa, DRC whose lame duck president cannot handle a simple measles outbreak much less corona.
Hii taarifa ni sahihi ila walikosea kuripoti kwa kusema aliyetangaza ni waziri wa afya. Aliyetoa hilo tamko ni mkuu wa mkoa wa Kilimanjaro Anna Mngwira wala sio ummy mwalimu kama walivyotangaza
@CHIPA2 kuja hapa Dagoretti upatane na @Motokubwa akupe mawaidha
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another bitter soul
ati nini. Acha kutupima akili, mapadlocks is up to his infantile tricks again