Who else has experienced issues while uploading stuff online using Faiba4G?
Jana nilikuwa nakimbiza kitunguu iive, so after finishing the work, compressed the files into a tarball, and compressed the tarball a second time to bz2 format. This reduced the payload from 60Mb to 20Mb.
I started uploading the archive, it only managed to reach 20% and the upload failed, and then my interent was cut off! Believe you me, Faiba4G net ilienda off hivyo tu. I restarted the Faiba mifi chieth, restarted the upload and same thing happened. I wasted a whole hour trying to upload a measly 20mb.
Switched to my Safaricom 3G line and uploaded the thing in under 30sec.
Faiba itabidi they go back to the drawing board waangalie some issues one of them being the restricting band 28 (700mhz) na customer care that is if they want to survive in data business for the long term. If wangeweka just half the effort wanaweka kwa advertising towards service improvement, nko sure ata safcon haingewaona in terms of customer base…anyway mimi hyo meffi yao nliacha kuitumia like 3 months ago due to the issues raised hapo juu na @Okwonkwo not forgetting the crappy battery
Me nlikunja mkia kitaaambo after kuona nmebuy bundles za meffi za thao but still hazinisaidii juu bado natumia tu suffericon if at all nataka kufanya anything meaningful kwa net