facebook ad spending

For those with online shops on facebook /pages for selling stuff, how much do you spend on boosting ads?
how much sales does it earn per day estimate?

Hii swali ungeuliza huko huko facebook

if you have no answer or anything important to contribute, just keep it to yourself dude

A waste of money, the stats are very difficult to verify, some bot farms in Vietnam are going to be clicking your ads.

Weh! SV…kimya!!:meffi::meffi:

I don’t spend… I spam my friends and friends friends…then ikifika 300 views, I visit microworkers, create microjobs to like & share my page…I get a few worthwhile sales… like my App http://demos.kreo.co.ke/gophr/ I got sales worth 50K in a week.

Depends with your target market and goal and product type

Good strategy. Ebu tupa link ya micro workers

Depends on whether you are talking about conventional or non-conventional advertisements.

My personal specialty is the non-conventional advertisement.

This involves writing very provocative Facebook page posts in various Groups whose niche is similar to your product or service and then linking back to your page.

This way, clients come to your page looking for “muchene” or critical information regarding your product, and end up making a purchase.

As such, these clients come to your page not because they saw an advertisement but because something “exciting” happened out there and were referred to your Page.

Post Script:

My fees start at Kshs. 2,000.00 per “advertisement” depending on the product or service.

This method can work both for and against your business. Depending on the Genre of ‘Muchene’ your business can either put off potential buyers or reel in steady business. Personally I avoid this kind of shitty advertising.

You are one of the fucks that write unsolicited adverts in the comments section on serious pages leading to mass Exodus of genuine page fans who don’t appreciate that kind of unconventional advertising

$20 per day (per adset).should be enough.

The Keyword word here is “unconventional”. What comes after is interpretation.

When I started out, I really pissed off a lot of “good” people, but also, developed a fan base who love this form of “unconventionality”.

This kind of fan base consists of people with “needs” and “wants” too. They have money to spend just as the “good” people do.

I do not know how old you are but if you remember, Kiss100 placed lots of “unconventional” advertisements, prior to launching, that became subject to morally high ground debates, even in Parliament. As the tired cliche goes, the rest is history.

There is a market for my wares. It is up to to the client.