nimeland Mrs Shosho
You obviously showing your dim eyed jealousy. Do not make up your own reality here, you people have deluded yourselves for generations that you are somehow highly intellectual and special.
Dim eyed chicks with their triceps and bicepts will rape anyone in the club if they get the chance.
Look, tusisumbuane hapa, attractive women demand higher standards than below-average countetparts everywhere in the world. It is called hypergamy and it is well known shinyeye are among top 5 most hypergamous gold-diggers in the world. People choose the best among the options they have and dimeyed barely have options, they aren’t called DIMEYED for nothing. You don’t find it ironic you also call them dimeye.
Who do you think you are fooling. Those lies you tell yourselves to boost your self-esteem keep them among your dimeyed drinking buddies sio hapa. Here you will be embarrassed.
:D:D Ati jogging.
Ati get in touch for biz. Which biz? Looool!
You are not as intelligent as you purport. So from an online forum you are able to tell where anonymous members come from? What I mentioned ni ukweli ndio maana umewashwa. Who doesn’t know shiny eyes huwa loose and easy going compared to ladies from other communities?
Kuwa mpole Kizee.
Hehe, boss. You seem all worked up for no reason at all. You accuse people of making their own reality but go on to talk about gold-digging rankings as if what you’re quoting is derived from a scientific study that we all know about. That on its own should embarrass you if you had any intellectual integrity. Give your head a wobble and chill. Life’s too short.
Buda boss, the most easy lays I’ve come across are kambas, merians and luos.
And every gal is an easy lay so long us u spend money on her needs
You laid some ugly Njoki in campus now you think you are a guru.
In my experience Kisiis, Lake Dims, Kambas are easy lays. you broke lames would have to sweat and empty your accounts to even hope to be in shinyeye friend-zones. Munajifanya hapa Prince.
Hypergamy is how Tutsis in Rwanda keep Hutu wealth circulating into their community. Thats what happens when you are surrounded by fools with money.
Life is too short indeed.
You’ve gone off on a tangent here. I was hoping you’d back up your statement on the gold-digging rankings with something a bit more scientific after your initial posturing.
Nilikutana na Avril siku moja hadi nikaanza kutweng’.
Kama @native son akiongea na yule msumbufu.
yaani kuma inanunulia huddah range rover tu hivyo , isokei
Chantelle sitawaisahau nikiwa pale Sylvia house Juja. Stress ilikuwa ako under18.