wadau i suffer from existential crisis. Sometimes I feel like life has no meaning and we’re just here to propagate our genes, and everything has been predetermined. Look, whether or not I will join MGTOW is already determimed. It is not my volition alone that chooses which incel group I will join, but also my height, facial structure and skin colour.
My decision whether to be a cum-spraying weasel like @Sambamba or a brown-skinned incel like @Azor Ahai is not wholly voluntary. Whether I will approach a girl or whether I will go home and wank will depend on:
a) the environment
b) my inherited temperament (am I shy?)
c) the girl herself (is she pretty like @Purple or is she a younger version of @TrumanCapote?)
d) my past experiences (have I ever been slapped in the past whilst pursuing a similar endeavour?)
ergo I believe the vast majority of our acts are determined.
Avoid mentioning my name in your insanity, as a Kenyan you are not entitled to existential crisis until we clear China bills. What is wrong with this generation?
Just inbox @Purple and tell her to put you on the wait list after her huswife leaves her for a white whale. Uache this passive agreesive BS, you are looking for a sugar mummy and I assure you that the last one that was left was @Purple. In African context, no woman even the least beautiful can pay for herself dowry that is the ultimate sign of not being a woman let alone being beautiful.
We Sema Maisha imekushinda Andrew Kibe akutafutie mwanamke wa kukuweka majuu, Kenya there’s no woman with such kinds of time and energy. Unye ametuweka bumper we don’t have time to think about anyone but ourselves. Yaani individual self. Kama kuta kuwa na vita next year. Where do you even get libido under the treacherous circumstances looming? It’s like you are thinking about having sex actually masturbating in a ship which at the height of a storm, you can sink anytime.
Next time you mention me in such nonsense it’s your mother I will insult. Are the types of sissified Fruitcake. Ati I don’t know which INCEL I will join, being a Kenyan in the cusp of an election year will make you volunteer yourself for celibacy and all other forms of self denial.
You should be thinking about this country and the direction we are going and praying not women and wanking. Hio achia watu wako developed countries. Here what we need is prayers war does not break out and kujua vile tutalipa deni ya China. That’s all. Hii upuze ingine usituletee, we are having serious issues to deal, not your penis and what you want to do with it. Ngombe sana Hawa vijana. And when I tell you musizae na hizi nugu hamuezi skia oneni sasa the caliber. Zaeni na wazungu to avoid such retarded offspring. Wazazi walilipa fees ya nini? Mimi where will you meet me and I am busy kutoroka Blackie coz okonkwo sitaweza wazimu zenu. Just style up
Speaking about meaning of life as propagating your genes, I strongly recommend reading ‘The Selfish Gene’ by Richard Dawkins. He explains the whole life from evolutionary point of view. One of the last chapter of the bokk tells about propagating memes instead of genes. The memes here are considered to be just the information of a person, their knowledge and the record of what they have done during their lives. The memes are more stable entities than genes because in the horizon of several generations, genes will change dramatically, unlike memes which remain stable in the period of hundreds of years. Thus, don’t think of life as just making your own kids (such an approach makes me feel depressed of the meaning of life). You can leave some track of your deeds for the future generations which will remember you and just know that you’ve existed and you were a nice guy. Like Isaac Newton didn’t have the children, but he is a well-known historical personality whose influence is much stronger than of those who yielded progeny.
It’s okay to have such tough times when you feel existential crisis. Nothing should surprise you actually, in my opinion, all people by the mid of 30s start to feel something similar to it. Some people can feel it even when they’re young. Everything because you can’t determine the vector of your development. People got used to apply to specialists in suh situations, because they’re convinced that specialists can help them a lot. It’s partly so I think. Anyway you have to try to get rid of this thing by your own, you should understand yourself and understand your wishes, abilities and opportunities.
Which choice did you make? Your parents, your race, your country? You see in real sense the choice you think you are making aren’t your choices per se, they are influenced by the environment you did not choose. What is being lucky…to be in a particular place and at a time when an opportunity present itself, you see for you to be lucky there are other factors that you had no control off. It feels good to believe we have control but in reality we don’t. We only have one principle choice to make, light or evil, from there enjoy the roll coaster. Evil or sin means missing the path, it is not actually an act, it is a course.
Instead of reading books by evolutionists who believe in big bhangi theories, go read Ecclesiastes, like 15 times, if you got a brain you will Gerrit. If a man who was the wealthiest, with 300 wives and 700 concubines and women actually queens coming from far off countries to look for his seed felt that life was vanity, the whole purpose of men is to worship God and that God has placed eternity in men’s hearts meaning that in our spirit we know that that’s where the real party that never stops starts, life is a type of development for the next life sorta like being in the womb for 9 months determines your 80 or 90 years on earth.
Hii mambo ya MGTOW tells you about evolutionary mambo jambo, Mara be a womanizer, get women pregnant and make them single mothers. One of Steve Covey principles is begin with the end in mind. If you want to live a certain life look at the end of the people living that life. Black American males live that life enmasse. How is that working out for them?
Yes, marriage can be a shit hole and it can screw you over like nothing but if you want to have children, well adjusted children who don’t end up like black American children, you gotta bite the bullet, Coparenting can’t replace a 2 parent monogamous family with parents who live together. God puts everything where and how it is for a reason. Don’t think that you are more sharp than God who created the universe.
One of the problems with the human animal is trying to change the animal kingdom order of mate selection. In any animal species females pick the most viable males this is why male animals are better looking and more flamboyant than females, like peacocks and lions. Watch the Discovery Channel you will get the picture.
In our case the most viable male of all is the white Caucasian male. He is at the top of the totem pole of human hierarchy. At the bottom is the black man. As we see clearly in most everything except sports white man is hand over fists a more evolved humanoid than the rest and the black man the least. So in mate selection females must choose the best the most viable male bcz this is not about seeking in your pathetic genes using treachery and narcissistic tactics like how they teach you to manipulate women to have sex with women which sex is meant for procreation its not at the base animal level a source or center of entertainment. It’s there TO PROPAGATE THE SPECIES, hence the adage survival for the fittest.
Ubaya wenu even the basic education your parents paid for you in school did not enter your brain, everything you learn is teaching you very crucial things about life and the universe but shida ya Muafrica is that he’s very short sighted and akisoma kitu it’s not so that it can stimulate his brain to think, which is what education is, it’s so that he can get some pussy or money or something instant gratification.
Think about the grand scheme of things. Books that try to show instant solutions and short cuts are for retarded people who can’t think for themselves and decide for themselves. Weak people. People who want instant gratification. People who are into group think.
If for 20 to 30 years majority of which you have been in school, you cannot think for yourself, you want to pick up one book written by people in Illuminati who are being paid to destroy family structures, drive pedophilia and destroy the self esteem of women (what species destroys its child rearing department) or join a cult started by homosexuals to think, sorry for you. Try the Bible. That’s the only book I know with a modecum of quick fixes.
Let me tell you kijana. After you drop dead,you will pass on to an eternity, if you want things to have crisis about that is what should give you sleepless nights. Not mambo ya 70 years. You can live an amazing as per world standards life like King Solomon but why was he so miserable in the end, yet everything men want on earth he had it in spades. Learn from others.Life isn’t short. IT IS ETERNAL.
A word to the wise, the caliber of men here are very low IQ particularly the cult followers whose focus is skirt chasing and womanizing. Don’t be deceived that it’s free entertainment. Everything you do has opportunity costs. Even the sperm you mwaga ndani, nje, juu, chini wereva some gurus have used sperm retention for transcendence and achieving supernatural feats. You you are offloading in disease ridden harlots.
For me I look at my life in an eternal plane that’s why I don’t get moved by what moves most humans. Kwanza kitu huitwa cult… No comment. Wacha nisikusome saaana coz I perceive you may not even get what I am telling you bcz you are so used to pedestrian and simplistic thinking.
Take your time and listen to this slowly and with an open mind toa mind kwa sex, women, waking etc for a short time. Take a mental holiday free on me. And think about what you will hear. Really think about it as a scholar. As a philosopher would. Just try. Don’t be misled by cultists.
Bonus: meme, unit of cultural information spread by imitation. The term meme (from the Greek mimema, meaning “imitated”)