exam cheating

5 schools in nyanza closed after student rioted wanting their principals to help them in cheating

it’s not fair to children from poor families

Ni karate utachapa ng’ombe ama ni exams utashughulikia?


Commenting first on your own post is li… never mind.

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hrhrhrherrrr .
kcse nyanza ishaanza!!?

ni kuplan

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a country of thieves…breeding thievelings…




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lalisha na ukune makende

Hehehe kijana wa arsenal tulia na uache kusumbua shemeji

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We are a decayed society.

Kazi ya chupilee kuangamiza ombosashon.

This year’s saw a record number A’s never experienced before.Have we suddenly become a country of geniuses its all a falacy.There is a girl i met last year in december and she told me in her school they had all papers even before exam began.Education as we know it in this country has gone to the dogs.