Evidence of existence of giants in ancient times

These huge steps are in Mexico. Whom were they made for?

The Nephilim.


Most probably

Giants aren’t that crazy of a conspiracy theory if you think about it.
If the whole world went extinct except for pygmies,
and they dug up our skulls in the future,
we would count as giants.

The Average Pygmy is 5 ft 1,if Pygmy Scientists dug up a skull of someone who’s 5’10-6 ft + that would be a giant.
Imagine if they found Lebron James’s skeleton(6 ft 8) ,
He would basically be a God.


Could @Motokubwa a descendant of Nephilms?
In @Panyaste★’s eyes?



Interesting, a blended lesson in physics and biology.

As generations go by people start becoming shorter and shorter everyday

So if the future beings dig up our spades theyll say our spoons ware so big we must be giants

hizi threads za tall things homosexual midget @Panyaste★ hu avoid completely :D:D:D:D:D

The earth has a

The Earth has a mysterious past that we’ll probably never get to completely unravel.
The case might be that we’re a later, new beings and civilization on this place. Many could have come (dinosaurs, etc?) and went.
The truth is stranger than fiction in these things.

Hata bible imesema they were there in Genesis

A credible story of a giant in Kandahar who was killed by American special forces.


These are stories if giants

It’s a story about giants

The limits of any organism’s size is determined purely by its cardivascular efficiency (oxygen diffussion), which in turn is affected by the prevailing atmospheric pressure… It is for this reason that ancients, both man and beast, were able to grow to great sizes - giants and dinos - because the atmosheric pressure was higher than today.

Do you mean to insinuate that people who live in low altitude areas with higher atmospheric pressure grow to be more huge than those from highland areas?

You seem to get the drift but it is more than simple highland lowland thing. Have you ever heard of barometric treatment (oxyge packing) which was a form of doping in early competetive games, or the same in the treatment of deseases like gangrene? The former would explain why the ancients had what today we’d call superhuman strength and the later would explain why they lived exraordinarily long lives.

Is it true that guys clocked 900 years as narrated in the Holy Bible?