Every country should be able to feed it's self- Overpopulation is real.

It’s disgusting how a war between two countries is affecting food prices in developing countries. I read somewhere that Somalia import 90 perfent of its food. My question is. What were they depending on before international trade came. It means people in that country can’t be fed by resources of that country. What will happen when Ukraine and Russia population increase and they stop exporting food.

Somalia? Kenya imports 90% of its wheat consumption

What were we doing before then? Only eating chapo during easter. Does that make Kenya overpopulated?

World population should only be 100-200 million people at most. The closest primates to us, monkeys are less than 5m globally. We beat nature through modern medicine and houses but we forgot the part where we are supposed to be few. We are the only species that struggles to live: food, shelter, etc. Says a lot about our apparently higher brain capacities.

For Africans its not over population but very antique jungle otherwise referred to as (bonobo software) that fears to think and when it does think, its for certain person to benefit at expense of the common man.

There’s no reason why we can’t be maize/wheat/sunflower sufficient…we mustn’t import everything. These are things rao should be talking about, cotton is good but there are more valuable products out there.

I truly detest these uncle toms levitating a foot off the ground courtesy of their dildos, house nigga field nigga…still nigga…arseholes.

Chapo came to Kenya in 1900 with Indians and British. If Kenya population was 6 million in 1960, it means it was less in 1900 and at that time Kenyans were consuming what they planted in their shambas. I meant that trend of consuming what you produce.

Hizi " mashida" ni za peasant s only, mbillionaire s grow most of their food ,own their homes and can support themselves multiple times over and over again before they can think of reproduction.

We Wacha zako, Indians had been coming to Kenya even before the British to trade in Mombasa

We are ordered by the holy word to reproduce and fill the world