Does anyone have any leads where I could upgrade my Aclas ETR machine to make it compliant with the new requirements? Asante in advance.
Does anyone have any leads where I could upgrade my Aclas ETR machine to make it compliant with the new requirements? Asante in advance.
Scottech Solutions, CBD-0722 314 917
Kwani they are upgradeable? I thought that one has to purchase brand new ones…
You can upgrade even the Mercury 130W
Ala! How? I thought that it requires hardware that can connect to the Internet… Not too sure that 130W has that hardware capability…
You get like sort of a control unit which can link to the internet every time you want to upload invoice details.
I am assuming that this requires doing some physical modifications on the Device… Is this authorised by KRA?
Tajeni bei pia wadau my quote reads 29,000 for mercury upgrade …leteni river road prices hapa…
KRA has given approval.no physical modification required on the device just linking into the control unit.You purchase the control unit device.bei wanauza 29-33k hapo
But new ETR costs around 40k… Why spend 33k on an additional unit?
Anyone who knows whether the TIMS severs are back on for Type C device .For either total solutions or compulynx kra servers zinasema No Details found for Given Invoice No.