Since January,scores of Nigerians have been killed in attacks linked to herdsmen.
Over the weekend the Fulani reportedly killed over 200 people!shiet[SPOILER=“Warning Gory Images”][ATTACH=full]179818[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]179819[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]179820[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]179821[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]179822[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]179823[/ATTACH]
I have never understood the obsession of these communities in africa with cattle. You have hundreds of cattle thay get stolen regularly and die in droughts and famine. Nothing you tell them gets through their heads.
@Okwonkwo nakuuliza tena,
Why is this news not on main stream media?
Its somehow connected to the Biafran course, buhari has fucked up that country.
Ata mimi nashangaa.Yaani kuna mambo yanaendelea kama haya huku Africa na hatujui.Kumbe Nigeria it’s not paradise like i thought.
Got Biafran friends and the tales they have are gut retching. Ile vita itatokea Naija ya Rwanda mtasema ilikua tizi tu.
The biafrans have had enough
Ndio maana wanatorokea Roysambu
The mass grave there with fresh bodies means that the government has not collected the bodies, tried to identify the victims, or even given any kind of assistance. In fact, it seems that the authorities are disposing off evidence. Verdict: the government has a hand in it. nigeria is a failed state so this aint news.
The Buhari president is Hausa Fulani and he is not very popular so he will not Crack down on them as he should.
Eish Nigeria is crap!with all that oil?nothing to show for?80 million people are seroiusly poor i.e half of the country.Story za polio ata usitaka kuongelea!!
No wonder!!and by the way,this is currently happening,hizi ni picha za juzi tu.
shait! si uweke spolier nanii
ehh? stop beating war drums
country should just be partitioned kila kabila iende kivyake. This again shows how colonial borders have really fucked us up.
Nime jaribu nime lemewa.i dont know how to.
@admin tuwekee spoiler priss
Hii imekuwa normal huko Nigeria. In fact wiki mbili zikiisha kabla one fefte people and above wachinjwe, hiyo ndio inakuwa news. Ma-oga wanaulizana “what’s wrong oh? No news of a massacre these past two weeks…abeg, what are we doing right?” Meanwhile, Cameroon is the next flashpoint. These people started with peaceful protests 2 years ago. After the government’s violent response, they’ve also started arming. They only need a major sponsor to arm them properly.
Hebu edit hiyo post uweke spoiler