Many have been blaming colonialists for all the ills that befall African countries. Well Ethiopia was never colonized and we can all see the mess they are in now - and have been in the past.
True to some extent,But people will again argue its tribal issues…should we have over 2000 ethnic based nations in africa?if so,someone else could say Africa is a shithole because its fragmented,tribes need to unite…then we would be where we are again.
Its the leadership thats the problem.
TPLF and Abiy are trying to see who got the biggest dick.
In my opinion,they should not aim to destroy each other 100%,especially abiy,he could have retaken that army base,then jail a few tigray leaders…deal with the resistance generated,try to stay longer in power while systematically administering such tactics until federal soldiers are advantaged to conduct an operation.
If its TPLF,aiming to capture addis Ababa is a mistake
Neither is corruption, the west is equal corrupt.
The US faces problems that are not linked to its colonization by the British. The problems are very similar to what Ethiopians are facing now if you look at them deeply. The difference is, the US has stronger institutions that can handle the issues. So colonization may not be the source of all problems in formerly colonized countries. But it is the source of many problems in formerly colonized countries. Its not a black and white matter
If Amharas, Oromos (despite Abiy being one of them) allow the minority Tigray TPLF back to power after the 20 years of misrule then they deserve the TPLF .
although Kenya pia we are about to allow a Kalenjin president after 24 years of Kalenjin anarchy
swali tu to expats, TPLF was in power for 20 years , am sure in that time 80% of millitary recruitment was from ethnic Tigray, after Abiy took over was he really able to do anything about that and if not then how does he expect to control a tigray majority army . in two years that he has been in charge i dont see how angeweza ku reduce the Tigray majority in the ENDF . alicheza vibaya angejipea hata 5 years ndio achuje TPLF .
i know each region has an army but bado govt army ndio kusema .
Colonialism is not the source of Kenya’s problems. [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]We Kenyans are the source of our own problems. We are easily persuaded by appeals to tribalism so we support corrupt murderous leaders based on tribalism.
Colonialism was not all bad for Kenya. Muzungu forced Kenyans to go to school so mwafrika was educated. Muzungu built the railway, roads, stadia. Even hospitals like Kenyatta hospital were built for Africans. The towns were properly planned. Estates were built to house Africans.
To put it plainly, Muzungu left Kenya in good condition. Even as late as the 1970s, Nairobi was a well planned city with land set aside for road expansion and other amenities.
Then everything went to hell. Mwafrika started grabbing land everywhere. Land that was meant for drainage channels, road expansion, fire brigade etc was all grabbed. Now today Nairobians suffer through flooding and incessant traffic and other issues.
All because Kenyans tolerate corruption
So how do you explain the infamous traffic jams of Sydney, Australia?
Mbwa, this post has no premise. Kenyans know out problems begin and start with Uhuru and his neo colonial power structure. After independence his father and his cronies are the ones who shafted us
Hao tigrayans attacked 2 army barracks. Abiy was justified to respond otherwise how can a CiC sit back and watch his men being attacked?
There is never a straight line … it’s always more complicated than it seems.Ni hayo tu
The headline alone was enough.
[SIZE=1]But niliskia @Aka mpole akisema Biden is to blame.[/SIZE]
Bukusu unatumia kizungu mingi sana ku-describe rag tag , broke ass , emaciated, militias, on both sides.
They are even parading child soldiers. The Tigray say he is a govt soldier whereas serikali wamesema hio ni propaganda :
I don’t know. Cities have traffic problems for different reasons. I am focused on Nairobi here. Our problem is because of corruption and tribalism.
Now tell me does Sydney also have problems with poor santitation, poor housing, flooding, insecurity, inexistent roads, potholed roads, corruption in the city govt, unreliable water, inadequate water supply, inadequate recreation facilities etc etc ? All these exist in Kenya and are a direct result of tribalism and corruption.
The army was most likely purged of Tigrays within those 2 years which is why it has performed so badly
Abiy is proving to have a small dick here and too much concerned about foreign view and human rights watch bullshit… aonge na Putin apatie yeye like 50 Sukhoi bombers and annihilate those TPLF bastards hadi wakufe wote… but also as it seems the TPLF have several intelligence moles inside the national forces
Learn your history. Mzungu forced people to go for little training for work they did not care about our education. Almost all schools were built by the community or churches. Mzungu even refused to open a university here in Kenya we only started to get them after independence.
The estates that you see were planned and built after independence.
Kenya and other African countries were actually destroyed by the cold war politics
Watcha uongo, when was the last time you saw a traffic cop in the west, bribed?
Italy wamekaliwa na mafia.
Wrong !
University of Nairobi started in 1960. That is before independence. Prior to that , top Kenyan students were sent by Mukoloni to Makerere University. In those days , Muzungu treated Kenya Uganda and Tanzania as the same country. So all the best Kenya students were sent to Makerere.
Mukoloni encouraged missionaries to come to Kenya and establish schools. They wanted the African to be educated enough because they saw Kenya as an extension of the British empire.
And there were many schools that were started by the colonial government not by Churches. e.g. Kakamega High, Kisii High, Jamhuri High, Ngara Girls and so 4th.
- Many Eastlands estates were created by mukoloni. For example Makongeni, Kaloleni, Muthurwa etc. were built to house workers of East African Railways. Other estates were built to house other workers e.g. Jericho, Maringo etc.
Kenya was not destroyed by cold war politics. It was destroyed by our leaders who tricked the people into supporting them despite how corrupt theu were. Whenever Jomo Kenyatta was accused of land grabbing , he would say the people accusing him don’t want his people to prosper.