Erupting Hawaii !

[SIZE=7]Erupting Volcano on Hawaii Releases Life-Threatening Gas, Officials Say[/SIZE]

[SIZE=2]An ash plume at the Kilauea volcano on Friday on Hawaii. The governor declared a local state of emergency near the volcano after it erupted and prompted the evacuation of residents.[/SIZE]


PAHOA, Hawaii — Images of the eruption of the Kilauea volcano on Hawaii offer a vivid display of yellow and red lava bubbling from fissures, orange fires, and white smoke, but the authorities on Saturday warned of something unseen but no less dangerous: high levels of sulfur dioxide gas.

The gas is “an immediate threat to life for all who become exposed,” the Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency said in a statement.

Gaseous sulfur dioxide, which is colorless and smells like a burning match, can cause serious eye, nose and skin irritation as well as coughing, headaches and shortness of breath.

People with cardiovascular disease or respiratory ailments, such as asthma, are especially vulnerable. Older adults, infants and pregnant women are also particularly sensitive. No one knows the long-term health effects of exposure to volcanic sulfur dioxide, officials say.

“I know police, fire, who have been exposed to the gas, pretty much all of them went home sick with headaches,” Talmadge Magno, head of the Civil Defense Agency, said on Friday. He explained that sulfur dioxide affects everyone differently, and almost always adversely. “If you’ve got any respiratory issues, it could be deadly to you.”

Pole kwao…

kuna jamaa wa probox anafuatwa na moto kwa road,so terrifying

I would step on that gas through the floor board…

Horrific scenes.

Destruction to their holiday paradise.
Too bad but the destruction they visit on others with their military power is paid back to them in bits by nature in the form of hurricanes, wildfires, extreme weather and now volcanic eruptions.

in africa volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are rare,looks like our plate is the mother tectonic plate,others just split from it.

You seem like you wanted to say something but dont know what

:(:frowning: sasa tumejua alafu

like the somalia plate wants to break?

Wacha tu nisewe ukweli; picha kama hii mimi siwezi aribia kupiga…


yeah sure,tell me what i wanted to say please .

no,the plate inakatikia along rift valley sasa.

si ndio hiyo yenye inaenda mashariki ndio inaitwa Somalia plate…


Somalis will be happy to join Arabian peninsula

i dont think the plates will ever join,may be get nearer to each other but not be a single continent.

hata sisi wa mt kenya up to aberdares tuko kwa hiyo plate. ikivunjika tunakuwa island kama madagascar.

hawa walalo wako Kenya na ubaya…itakuwa kama 1000 years ndio hata gap ya 10 metres iwe formed

Imagine Mt. Longonot Erupting and the chaos that it would cause.

Thank goodness it’s asleep.

The most active volcano in Kenya is Central Island in Turkana though it hasn’t erupted in some time.