Habari ndio hio.

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Hapa nimeangukia mbaya.:slight_smile:

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erc are licenced thieves.
they are in cahoots with oil importers tomilk kenyans dry.
i realised how they worked and i didnt like it even a little bit. they are a cartel

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Those prices are still high if compared to crude prices on the international market. Super shouldn’t be more than 80 bob.

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UG prices zikoje?

You are right. If kamwana did not add the duty by 10 bob per litre you would now be paying kindo 79 bob for the same.

Buda huku fuel at shell is at Ugx 3850.
The worse is yet to come coz of elections

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Halafu the Ugandan currency has really taken a beating. Cost of living must be high ama?

3850/30(current exchange rate ) inanipea 103.
but sometime back it used to be cheap what happened?

130 i mean

Exchange rate buda imepanda iko 33 buying and 33.4 selling.

Iko wapi Nakuru… else ni fake

still expensive

True. But remember we closed down KPRL and no longer import crude.

it doesnt count doctor.
erc and refinef oil importers are crooks through and through.
will send you the list of the crooks nikirudi ofisi.
in tier one(companies with all six licences— import,export,transit,store,retail…).
there are less than twenty and they hold erc by balls(inside info)


Mbona hawaweki bei ya LPG? I wish they were equally aggressive in regulating the price and quality. Unapata mtungi ya 13kg imewekwa gas 8kgs na hewa 5kgs. Inabidi you turn the knob to the maximum ndio mayai ichemke.

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Mtu wa matatu kama mimi hizi bei huwa hazinisumbui sana

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Nunua SafeGas. Peace of mind.

Is it more expensive?

Nope. Refill now going for 2600/=, down from 3000/=.

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