This is a long read, those without balls can skip to the next thread.
“Let’s see where the black family at
We need each other, with bad tempers, we defeat each other
Single mothers, my heart’s bleeding for you
These coward men, that were beating on you (never me)
Let’s silence them, with a silencer
For the violence of relationships
Hold your head up, don’t take that shit, run away from it
I shoulda ran away myself, the amount of pain I was dealt
And I’m a man, my job is to help
Single parent home, came up, now the man is grown
Mom’s gone, pop’s here, wish God reversed the roles
(Sometimes) If I could’ve chose, subsidized housin’
Sometimes witnessin’ the most foulest things would arouse us
We became numb like pure 'caine on the tongue
To the pains from economical strains” - Til The War Is Won – Nas, Album: King’s Decease, 2020.
It’s 2021 and boys need to get their visions right to become men. I was the fucking pioneer of the RedPill before the potato-head’s Kenyalist become a thing among you fools. No need for that AFBB bullshit nor that hypergamy ish.
Alright let me get straight to why boys hate the SM in point form:
[li]I deliberately used ‘boys’ instead of ‘men’. Being a man goes beyond the physical, it is psychological. A boy is always:[/li][LIST]
[li]Jealous and selfish – How dare she got a baby at a time I was on a dry-spell? She wants me for my resources.[/li][li]Giving a f@ck – about what people think of him and about all the things around him to the point where logical thought conflates the emotional.[/li][/ul]
[li]Everything is about sex to them and when they learn that a woman has a kid, they have no option but to really show what they really were thinking about – chasing the ‘precious-tight hole’. Of course to them the word ‘mother’ doesn’t mean a female being taking care of an infant; to them that word means a woman getting fucked, a man cumming hard and a kid coming out as a result. To them this kid is not like them when they were kids, this kid is not like any kid they might have in future, matter-a-fact to them this kid is nothing like their own envisioning of a ‘right-kid’.[/li][li]Short of vision and lacking purpose – Now look, most boys against SMs always say that they cannot raise another man’s seed. This is exactly how they see raising up a child as – you can only raise a child that’s your own. They forget that they live in society of men and women and not monkeys – very evident on how they talk about men being existing as either Alpha or Beta. I remember days back when I used to commute from a certain neighborhood in Eastlands Nairobi to Park Road primary using the KBS buses. I would get into a full packed bus and then some man or woman would offer me their lap to sit on. These people never knew me but they saw me as what I was, a kid, a little human being. [SIZE=3]What’s the use of calling yourself Alpha if the basis of it is uncivility?[/SIZE][/li][li]Raised by hate, yep, most kids from the 70s to date have been raised on some element of hate and narcissism and that’s why they see themselves as a cut above the rest. We reap what we sow and this is the result.[/li][/LIST]
Am I an apologist for SMs? No. What I am is man who believes human beings are just animals and they err in ways as part of learning. That alone is a reason to see a SM as a woman. Let us look closely at the psychology of a SM for a brief moment:
She has a kid and needs a man to help raise the kid. She subconsciously understands that a child needs both parents. She’s looking to survive and at this point she will fall into any man who to her seems fit regardless of his sinister motives.
She might be moody, have bad attitude and other disqualifying criteria but after it all consider this: behind all that there is a kid who calls her mummy. When as a man you express hate for SW, you are also projecting the hate onto the kid. I don’t know much but I sure as hell know that, hating someone who has done you no wrong is speediest criteria to qualifying one for Karma’s whooping.
She might be overly-aggressive, but what less do you expect from someone living in community dominated by men and she knows that despite what happens in her work-day, she still has a mouth to feed and love to show for her kid; with enough pressure to prove to the society that she can raise a kid right.
Am I saying that all SMs are of good character? No. But don’t just judge any woman you meet by the single fact that she has a kid. Yes yes, there are some who once they have delivered, they get to confuse motherhood with her pussy attaining corporate status. Pussy is now responsible for income revenues, expenses, turnovers, etc. Those, if you are man enough, you will identify after a meeting or two e.g. She doesn’t live with the kid, gets home late, kid is in a boarding school before attaining age 11, constantly asking for the ring, etc.
Supporting Evidence:
I know of families where the most dominant name in that house is a kid that came with the mother. I know of a lot of men who retired and the most love they receive is from a step-daughter/step-son and now the sad part, I know of people whose lives got wrecked by their biological kids are they have nothing to show but shame. Is this proof enough to convince a man that wifing up a SM ain’t all that bad? Yes it is.