Entire African Population Can Be Wiped Out With Minimal Global Trade Disruption

Other than engaging in sex and useless prayers Africans only contribute 3% to global trade, NO difference between Blecks and wild fauna.


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Sir, no need to bully us.

We blacks are moving slowly but surely.


I can live in the village with zero disruptions. I can get all my food from the farm (mahindi, potatoes, beans, tomatoes, fruits etc), water from the well, power from solar, eggs, milk, meat from mbuzi, chicken etc. So how can i be wiped out?

Ever heard of bioweapons ama you too busy trying to survive in the ghetto to think? Kwanza those farmlands are what our enemies are salivating over. Today We are like the Amazon Indians who rushed to welcome Christopher Columbus and his gang of buccaneers decked out in gold and armed with spears

Kazi ya blecks ni kukuwa guinea pigs and waste recyclers. From Used clothing to obsolete electronics. The other function is to be a market for fake goods such as Vitron and itel TVs

Lete ile pikcha ya ‘kwako’ kwa majani chai


Piga UA!!

No Continental population can be wiped out by “Trade Disruptions” …
Not even Pandemics or Wars …

Human Beings are very resilient and adaptive creatures … :blush:

Those western figures are to demonize the continent but they don’t include the trillions in stolen wealth from Africa. If they had the balls to not have any presence in Africa you will truly see if the West is able to do without us…but we know they will never let go. France is already crying after being kicked out of 3 West African countries :grin:.


Indeed, the world relies on Africa for most minerals and several high value crops - it is just that these are undervalued by the capitalist system. 1 Mercedes Benz costs the same as tonnes of coffee - which we sale unroasted for peanuts and then it is sold back to us exorbitantly. The system is rigged!

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