have noted this too with alot of concern.
names from that tribe are toi prominent even in our sheng.
cucu for example


THANKS to mo1 that name was coined…you can change it if you like maybe we can use yours.

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Eeeeee…wacha tufanye hivi, hapa ktalk tutaunda committee itakayo chagua majina mengine na mda wa kutumia hayo majina then tutayatumia in turns as you have suggested so that is fair? FYI pia Mimi hua na beef na hilo jina, he should have chosen Kamau, it is more common.


[SIZE=6]“Wanjiku”[/SIZE][SIZE=1] is a very good name, just think about it[/SIZE]

na nduma, ngwaci, mutura, …and life goes on…


Shut the f**k up.!! You can go start your “omosh” in Somalia we see how far you will go. It’s the same situation bro here in Kenya. Have you ever heard of "control " the word got it all. And all over the world. Simply serekali ina wenyewe. Hata raila hushinda elections.

Call it the power of control. Hii ingine yote ni pan’gang’a.


Evidence of this will only add up to the case am presenting.

NV, it is evident that reasoning is your weakest point. You come across as a brainwashed dimwit who can not hold a conversation. FYI am not an “omosh”. Also note that some of the respondents come from the very people am trolling yet they can see through this maze of words and separate substance from irony. Go back to the camp you escaped.

If VE reason out like you, I’d rather stay in the camp. As for the power of words where you claim top top, your fooling self. The point is, we na ujanja yako Ngoja 2017 uchange wanjiku ama 3/4.


Do I need to point out that I am never in a losing side before you stop your political shit-wash? I am not interested in your elections mate. Be it 2017 or 2092, polls will not put zeros in my bank account. However, understanding the inner workings of a human mind do.

and also rurashio (the wedding thing)


As “others kenyans” are urbanizing, they are slowly soaking up in this culture. Soon all but 4 ethnic groups will not have forgotten their language, roots and culture. If am alive then, I will not resist the name ‘wanjiku’…

a very caucasian name he should have chosen Shaniqwa the nanny or Alejandro the grape picker or Anand the shopkeeper


What name would trump choose?

John Smith


you have a very valid point but dolts here who shoot down anything and everything are on it again