Employment and marriage /pregnancy/childcare

U not alone …I was told I can only go to work using an ambulance coz I was expecting…then when I went for maternity the game was changed unpaid leave…I don’t care my kids are first…now working from home

Some jobs can be demanding and it’s hard for one to jungle between the pregnancies and rearing the babies. I worked in one it was more on the field work and given the risks of being in a car on the rough roads almost 20days in a month was not worth me getting pregnant. The company policy allowed us to get pregnant but at times we all had to use common sense. Some who got pregnant and succefully delivered quit after child birth coz they couldn’t handle the work stress.

Sometimes as much as we may want to work we need to assess carefully on the pros and cons.

In 2017,I went through the same dear,I was two months pregnant,having assigned all the duties but few days later when the institution learned of my pregnancy I lost the job,reason being that I will inconvenience them

I got my second job in the bank while I was 7months pregnant. Lucky enough when I was filling my pre- employement form, I had indicated that I was expectant.
I passed and was called for the training which was to go for 6weeks.
Midway, the HR noted that I was heavy and she called me and tried to convince me to take a break and go deliver baby then come back once done. (HR guys tend to pretend to be so caring especially if they need kukuingiza box)
Mimi Nani, I didn’t take any of her word. I told her I’m very okay and that how they had to let me be.
Funny enough,she was ablady and I couldn’t believe that she could dare tell me that and she is a mother. She went ahead to confirm if I had lied about my pregnancy in the pre-interview form but she found I was honest about it. She had no choice. (honesty is key)
Anyway, I worked for 2years and resigned.
I’m now working for another employer.

This reminded me of an interview i did with Kizza Lounge before they opened shop in Nairobi. I was asked by the manager if i was planning to fall pregnant in the first year of my employment.Nikawauliza why they were asking that.They said that they invest so much in training their workers and they wouldn’t risk training me then i fall pregnant before they had reaped maximum benefits.Told them i was a young woman of reproductive age and wasn’t planning to tie my child bearing agenda to a job.Also asked them if the labour laws allows that.
As expected, they never got back to me after the interview.Later they hired a friend at a time when their staff turn over was so high due to non payment of salaries.She left after a few months.
I vowed to never spend my hard earned money in such an establishment.

You’d be more efficient if you posted less

It’s not perception, it’s a fact of life, this motherhood. A mother will take maternity leave by right. These companies think about costs to themselves. If you have 3 ladies of reproductive age you need to employ an extra person to cover their maternity leave, that is considering the chances of all four receiving their blessings the same year. And of course there’s the annual leave. After that babies under 5 are vulnerable to diseases, so factor in sick offs. That’s why women who make it up the ladder are the very best at what they do, in fact better than the men! I salute women! Their paths are never smooth.

My former boss was heaven sent despite been a nun she hired me when I was pregnant and gave me the best working conditions,i gave birth to one more child still under her headship… long live sister felista…

When we are talking about equality and women empowerment, people think we are just causing chaos. Women in this world have suffered alot of discrimination because of their biological functions. We still have a long way to go ladies but the struggle continues. One day, the woman will be regarded as an actual human being same as a man is.

Mine was in 2012 I had alrdy finished my 3 months probation period and received my first salary then boom a colleague noticed my 5months pregnancy and bcz they where tight with one of the manager’s she told him then from there to the GM that is how I got fired for no reason and no word from the management

We needto start creating jobs that enable mothers, this is something i always consider in my business models,they bring so much to the table and always overlooked

When I was pregnant I was spotting so my doctor gave me bed rest. I took the bed rest note to my female boss and her words…'pregnancy is not cancer. Sew it up" miscarried at 5 months. Female bosses are the least understanding…You wonder why yet they too are mothers…

Not just female even the male bosses some are worse. I rem one fired me when I was 5 months pregnant. The pregnancy made me have complications being in hospitality industry. There was this time I was admitted and he went to disciplinary committee to tell them I was pretending. My director had to defend me before the committee.I was then earning 12k back then and I had spent 18k in hospital 4 days admission.(God bless my then boss) he reinstated me. The hr made me change my career I went n studied hr and defended the rights of expectant ladies. We ended up working in same department and at one time became his boss. Its tough outside here. But we should know the constitution clearer states you shouldn’t be descriminated on grounds of pregnancy. If they terminate you coz of that you can sue the company. Am looking for one to fire me coz of pregnancy then we see how it goes about.

Paulie Paulie sorry. For me I worked through with a twin pregnancy in a busy kitchen no light duties but waiters got them ,used to go out cry wipe my tears and go back to work .instead of light duties was advised to take an early leave at 6mnths.

Wah , when I remember that I had to edit my CV from single to married in order to get a job i desperately needed, that’s when I realized how single mothers go through hell. It had never hit me that badly. The worst thing is that I still lost the job a few months later.

Ivy Mahinda yes the boss was a lady na alikua amesama hawezi anjiri single mom

I have felt that discrimination in 2018 when I was pregnant. I tend to have all the worst experience when pregnant, nausea,vomiting, nose bleeding and sometimes chest pains , I explained to my line manager but surprisingly I was sermoned to the HQ by one man who happens to be one of the top manager together with the HR.he told me all sorts of stuff but one that I can never forget was, that is why companies are not hiring pregnant women…he further threatened to fire me and his words "utanunua aje diapers za mtoto ukienda nyumbani bila salary? Those words hurt so much.

Mind you the HR is there saying nothing yet she’s a woman. Am sorry to say this but women we are our own ENEMY. We pretend to care but deep down we are poisonous snakes

I have been through this alot don’t even want to tag the company it’s so sickening…the whole interview was about my kid .and if they don’t give you chance how should you raise the kid .

My current manager informed me she was pregnant before I hired her. To be honest,I was abit hesitant but I hired her because she really was qualified and despite the pregnancy she does her duties very well.
We spoke and agreed she should organize her work in such a way she can easily work from home when her new born arrives and that is exactly what she did. There are positions however I wouldn’t have given her if she was pregnant or with a new born because the business with suffer too.

I am pregnant now and there are so many things that I cannot do at work hence the business would have suffered kidogo if not that I have a great team and a helpful partner.

As much as its frustrating, a business owner considers the business first.
Sending love and hugs your way.

Mine is different, I was hospitalised for 3weeks with a heart problem, when I went back to the office, my seat was already occupied and was told to report to HR who told me to resign they no longer needed my services and that’s how I lost a job I had done for 7years.

I once worked in a place where you were on probation for 3 months and within those three months you were not supposed to get pregnant or you’ll be fired without notice…
Ata wakishuku tu they’d rather take you to hospital and ascertain

Some pple are ever unfair .I remember my manager asking mi for my report and I had delivered that morning.she did not care she still asked for my sales even a week after I had delivered.