Emotionally damaged women


Which ones: :):meffi::saitan:;):(:mad::confused::cool::p:D:eek::oops::rolleyes:o_O ?

The cycle then continues. One bad man after another. I am not a psychologist but TBH the reg flags are always there from the get go. One they are small time liars as they to cover their shady pasts, have no respect, expect you to wait up on them even during the early days of courtship, drunkards, like hanging out with their friends more than you, don’t respect your friends and family, tight fisted, insecure and jealous…etc…wacha niwachie hapo.

I agree with a majority of your list, but I wonder why tight-fisted is a red-flag when dating… Ebu elaborate how me not spending my own money is a red-flag? Niko curious

Incase hujui, we have many men after spending the woman’s money. They even borrow and refuse to pay. BTW we also have men who invite you out and expect you to contribute. Some women do not agree with that at all…mimi nikiona hivyo ndivyo kunaenda, I will pay my share lakini ujue you will be friendzoned pap.
Else got no problem with a man keeping his money to himself. It still sends a silent signal to me that you will be a mean man to me and the children and that I will have to keep nagging you for money.

How could I also forget the special calibre that is the deadbeat dads? I do not have to write much on this lot. I love the way they tried their alpha nonsense here ati they won’t pay child support. Weeeeee wamekimia kii…kama maji ya mtungi.

Ignore the sweep from @Sambamba…Why would a sane man have raw sex with a woman he has just met??

Watu hawaogopi kifo siku hizi naona

If a man is borrowing you money, that’s a different ball game hiyo sio story ya kuwa tight-fisted.

Secondly, if we barely know each other, going dutch (50-50) is a reasonable proposition… I don’t know you that well to spend money on you… I’m not obligated to spend money on a stranger no matter how hot you are… I will likely spend on the second or third date, maybe

If being mean sends you a silent signal on my ability to provide for MY children, then you should indeed cancel me and move on… Get some generous man who will spend on you… As they say, the world is a woman’s playground; choose how you see fit

Lakini we are going dutch and you are the one that asked me out? is always the bone of contention. Your questions have taken me back to my dating days…think the guy should foot the first bill and going dutch can come later if the relationship develops.
As for your 3rd point, I agree and I bolted.
Lastly we have a huge number of men who do not want to meet the lady out there and not at his house either. So he will always invite himself for dinner alafu akuje ameshika a bottle of something. These lot are also tightfisted too. Because the girl will make the dinner and possibly provide free ‘lodging’ for the night.
Nausiniulize about MGTOW and Redpill subscribers like yourself kikikikikikiki. Dunia imepasuka.

that woman is playing with your mind. she wants you to dump your seed in her womb ndio ujue humjui

Dunia haijapasuka, it’s just that women are apparently equal to men… So as a pragmatic man, you adjust accordingly.

Bt men are different when it comes to spending, we have different opinions on the role of money in woooing women… Choose the man that best fits your idea of spending

My personal mantra is, kuna mtu anakula bure; why should I be paying

I personally do not believe we are equal in some cases. There are some things a man can move and lift even the small ones, there are decisions he can make without emotions, he is meant to be the leader of the household so to speak…sasa when you guys buy these whole propaganda from waliopotea zamani aka the west, we will not have any families.
Equally a woman has her role in building the home and most importantly it is in raising the children.

I disagree with your personal mantra. Not all women dish to 7 men at a go as KTALKers would make us believe. You attract what you are.

You might be the exception to the rule, bt I argue about the general case not the exception… My arguments are always based on the bell-curve, on the average-case scenario.

Single motherhood in Kenya is evidence that the nuclear family structure is dead… This is indicative that the female imperative is winning. Not all women will come to the same conclusion as you, on the importance of men in their lives and you know that.

My personal mantra stands. As they say, women will make rules for beta males while break them for alphas… That is, a single mother will always have a soft spot for her baby daddy while her new boyfriend “fights” for her love. :D:D:D:D

System LAZIMA iji-reset.

I could argue that I see the situation a bit differently from where I am sitting. Think you are being v harsh on the female species na umemeza many redpills and then blaming them for the breakdown of what we used to hold as family values. There are still some good relationships/marriages out here but the men standing firm are labelled beta males na kuchekelewa. Also women nowadays have more choices such as education and more career choices so most will opt out of a bad relationship leaving you Alphas listing our shortcomings from morn to dusk. I do not suppose you have seen couples separated for years trying to get back together when so much damage has been done?

My biggest worry so far is for the younger generation who will be corrupted by the Alpha male brigade like yourselves. We are disappearing into a big deep abyss. We can hardly deal with LGBT matters and now this? very lethal combination. Add poverty into the mix. We are going to bury v many confused young lost lovers.

p/s I do dig into the feminazi bag but to buy what suits me and my family.

Niyo maana I say here everyday that kuna watu watapotea sana huku KTALK.


Ptoh, nee chu? Bo nee sonoek ak karnok chon tugul? Iyapten lesoit kidogo next time ak ibir picha. Niceness!

I always wonder at the kind of man that will get a baby and not take the responsibility of raising them as a father.
Regardless of with whom and how they got the baby.

Parenting should handle that.
You really only need worry that parents do their job right, all else will fall into place.

Millions of them. Who have conviniently forgotten the process of making a baby (sex which should have been fun kkkk, and taking time to know the person i.e dating) and the responsibilities that come with it. That is why I say we are even going to get more lost because the MGTOW brigade is heading East and we are heading West.

I think the shame should be when a man is forced to pay upkeep!!!

So let me get this straight… You’re saying that men are responsible for the increased single motherhood…:D:D:D:D… Kwani the women were forced to sleep with them?? The women consciously choose the men they want to have children with.

No man can ever force a lady to have his child… That would only happen if the man abducted the girl and raped her… Single motherhood is due to women’s poor choices and decision-making.

Society, esp in Kenya, is making it easy for women to get abortions… Yaani women have the option of rectifying their “mistakes”, yet you blame men…

Enyewe, accountability is women’s kryptonite