The man has married another gwoman! IMO, once you go through what Eboue went through in his first marriage, you should keep away from that institution coz you are not sober enough or even qualified to be in one.
Who the fuck is this motherfucker?
Now that he’s no longer wealthy after kunyoroshwa na junguu, he’s gone back for his childhood sweetheart… subiri na yeye aoshee whatever little he still has. Arsenal players…
Finish them
He is a foolish hopeless romantic. It is even worse if the wife opted to marry him after seeing his story and felt sorry for him
He is a beta chieth simp who needs a woman to be successful
Apparently the white woman made him sign agreements to part with nearly all of his assets in England na hakujua ata anasign nini juu ni semi-literate. This is why you need a degree from a reputable university.
He could be a romantic, but the greatest tragedy for a man is to think a woman he’s involved with will feel sorry for him for his struggles, and be nice. Fix your life. Women are just looking out for themselves.
kivevenze auyui emmanuel ebue?
Akiangai simuyui Mimi Santa klauze
you need to keep up with the latest gossip on the world stage.
not just maima, mialo, kasolo na katombi .
Maima anafanya uchawi pale kwa ngita mpaka concentreshen aigwes enda mahali!
@Maize_Combuster akisema mwanamke hapendi mtu anatumia akili vizuri bila kushikwa ransom na kuma, This is what he exactly means
Can this .gif be translated into a national language which uses the English alphabet?
Im sure it can!
I think this EPL is one big set up for bonobos. Omusungu knows that most black men are both athletic and dick driven. So what better way to use them than to have them entertain you in your stupid leagues then at their financial peak, introduce a white kunguru to confuse them with white meat then use your rigged court system to dispossess them and maintain the wealth in you territory. I can bet the kunguru that took Eboue to the cleaners was a semi-retired lanye called to duty for her country coz no way a monkey is gonna get purebred white meat
You’re onto something. I dont trust mzungu one bit.