Embarrassing Moment

Uka guruithie ka-mum

Noo:D…tell me kuria ngutuma njahe. Anyways have a good evening.


These chicks from shags are always so nice to me and people I know I’m surprised they can be that cold to people from their roots. Pengine it’s because you know them too much and si unajua vile wako na masiri siri hawa watu

Most wenye najua rika yangu walikam campo wakapewa mimba na vijana wa Nairobi. Then wakarudi ocha. Now they’re very humble wakishazaa.

Ulimtomber mcoondu au?


Manze unanikumbusha mbali. Na vile ukiwa na hizo viatu hizo enzi ulikuwa ukitesa mbaya:D:D:D

hii ni kali!

Be yourself don’t do what others do ! Ungechill .
It happened to me many years

Siwezi lenga salami za MTU. But I will never initiate

Don’t know why guys entertain his ‘expert’ opinion on women yet he dryfried 2 UoN women and made them pregnant:mad::mad:.

We don’t.
Na Hata hizi story mrefu za conquests ni hekaya tu…

Glad to hear. He is often/always so off the mark. Na hio grudge na single mothers seems to be v deep sitted, methinks kuna historia. Dude has issues with women. End off!

Anayho…tuseme nini? coz as they say, you can be anything on a forum.

Hapa ndio tunasemanga only God can judge me ama:D:D:D