Elon's Starship Explodes Minutes Into Launch


Its called a test flight, meaning they were expecting things to go wrong.

Goddamn’it … Sioni tukienda into interstellar space anytime soon, certainly not in my lifetime, not even in two lifetimes. My best bet now is an alien invasion/encounter from a more superior civilazation. Hii yetu … ni ovyo

he he he he. You must be kidding. Falcon Heavy was tested as recent as 2018 and it also experienced similar predicaments. This is normal in the world if scientific experiments. Test a theory over and over until it becomes a fact. Space travel isnt more than 2 decades away and with the technological evolution we are seeing right now, shit might even come in less than 10 years

Challenger Moment

From the first day nothing has changed says God.

Others ni upus wa humans. In animal Kingdom they hate human spicies to the core.

Artificial intelligence might solve what humans have been unable to. Humans are making huge leaps in AI. AI might unlock the potential in very many fields including space travel and medicine.

A successful launch. It met all parameters

Mbona wana applaud at the end of that clip?

May be ni wenye walikuwa wameshort shares za TSLA.

Space is Science Fiction. It doesn’t exist. Hizi ni movie munaonyeshwa na mnabaki mnashangilia.

says a bonobo who cant invent shit…stick to kudinyana and other stories that is your forte.

Aliens don’t like humans

This proves that we didn’t go to the moon in 1969

Says a fuctard whose been to space. Stick to witchcraft, petty thievery and similar stories that are your forte. :cool:

Makende ya jongoo shenzi type.

I told you guys :D:D:D:D