When I tell you singo life is the best life, you think I am hating. If you are singo can you remember the last time you were really stressed out over anything? Maisha stress free. Pole Ella. Try mzungu next. Maybe you will have better luck. Pole mum. I feel you, these monkeys ain’t shit afadhali ukae pekee yako and invest your time, energy and self in the people who love you for real and will always be there for you your family. I hope you find the strength to leave. You are beautiful and you deserve better than this.
Makena unaambia watu wakae single alafu unasema waenda wazungu in the next sentence. Which is which now
Shipoto is a confused element.
Sasa Kama huyu hafit profile mzungu upenda. Mzungu likes frail thin dark women. This one has madiaba. Mzungu hataki. No maas.
Hehe, ati chimpazees, …mzungu, mzungu.
You are in love with an idea–just white skin. I really fear for you, Truwoman.
You are my mzungu. LOL. Why fear for me? I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself. I once dated a meru guy and our pet name for each other was my lunje.
Truedat. If one does not look like Naomi Campbell, Lupita na kathalika…sahau mzungu sana. Yes mzungu absolutely detests mathuthas and our michelin tyres which they call footballer’s legs.
Hehe, I just fear you might end up believing mzungus are sinless, and land in the hands of a handsome psychpath who talks very nice. Even good big girls make mistakes and bad things happen to them. In fact, very bad men get very nice girls sometimes.
Mimi ni mmeru not even Satan scares me. Come baby come.
Hehe, asiyejua maana haambiwi maana. Wasamehe tu kwa sababu hawajui wafanyalo. Ktalk verdict ni kwamba mifupa ni ya mbwa:D
I have never known why you have such a high opinion of wazungus considering some of the nasty stuff some of them do to each other.
:D:D Their description of a fit woman is…a small firm butt…no wobbly wobbly stuff and you must have long skinny ‘pins’ that go on forever. And BTW you better have full juicy lips not thin ones kikikikiki.
Ni hayo tuu kwa now.
What a drama queen, he needs to run!! Nkt :D:D
Even Africans do nasty stuff yet you have a high opinion of them.
Ni kama anatamani mzungu na ameshindwa kupata. I’ll be waiting for her opinion akipata.
Hehehe, confusion galore.
‘Long skinny pins that go on forever’, topped by a small butt–that’s a bumpy ride, trust me. Too little cushioning, no warmth, no soft landing! The sight itself causes a mental ache as you plan the handling manouvres. And full juicy lips are African.
'Nuff said:D
Hehehe no it is not confusing ama pengine nimewazoea sana:oops:…you are thinking in Kenyan mode…
Their beauties are Rosie Huntington-whitely na wenzake…
Makena believes whites have dicks that shoot chocolate fountains and they poop gold nuggets