Electric/Solar Buses for Nairobi

Considering our filthy gathering of beggars living in squalid conditions in one large slum, aka Nairobi, I do believe that this provides a very potential opportunity for Nairobians to have a decent reliable modern age transport system. Solar buses coupled with dedicated lanes will make this city more opened up, lower pollution, cheaper costs et al. India, S.Korea already rolled such products. Bonobo nywele ngumu anangoja nini?
These buses arent expesnive to build, with ISUZU and the likes being around, they could fabricate good bodies while specialists install the systems. With these, fare from Nairobi to places like Machakos will be pegged at 70 bob, for instance, kitengela 30 bob.


DOA. GoK need fuel taxes. So they will make sure those buses will not set foot in Kenya.

true, sadly

Up north,Morroco, Rabat. Serikali yetu ilirogwa i guess