If a man has a wife of this caliber is he allowed to f’uck outside? [ATTACH=full]394559[/ATTACH]
Man cannot live on Brenda alone.
Man cannot live on a single type of food alone
Even when Brenda is export grade?
No human was made to be with another forever.
Shifo, we almost dialed 999…umetafutwa kila pembe za kijiji.
I am back mkubwa. I had gone abroad for some serious business
Your wife is also having an emotional affair with her deskmate from campus and the nice guy from church.
Rushia elders tax
Wanaume huona ngozi nyeupe wanaguruka. Hapo hakuna kitu.
My bank manager will organise something for the elders soon
hio ngozi ni nyeupe kwako? Ama unasema nini?
Ni brown skin.
huyu akiingia sabina joy ata haezi pata ratings
A lion cannot eat gazells daily, he must try some antelopes and Impalas around the park.
Chifu ume saidia Uhunye kukopesha pesa ngapi ukiwa abroad?
Yes, he is allowed to fuak outside immediately after nutting inside her, why do you ask?
Uliza Jay Z
16 billion dollars in grants
No matter how pretty she is, things change ukimskia akihara uko kwa cho.