Elder Statesman

@admin nimeona kuna hio cheo mpya swallower of saliva amepewa hio ndio nini na inahitaji nini watu wapewe hio cheo

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madam hiyo link haijajibu swali….i am also a person of interest in this matter

Likes…the No. Of likes. @Meria Mata
has over 8000likes bt i may be wrong

nimeiona na @Meria Mata . vipi Meria?

Poa boss, kazi imekua aje leo?

i’ve noticed orders za mondays huwa chache. but cant complain. hopefully i’ll get a few more orders before nifunge. watu wa kununua on credit ndio tu wanani-bore!


Am almost there, kwanza wewe Jay likes zako kwangu ni ndogo mno. Ongeza bidii mzito.

buda sikuja Ktalk for Likes …sijui kama umeshawai notice ivo


I know, at times you should read behind the words. Nice evening.


This is as rare an occurrence like catching cats ferking. There’s someone who’s lost.


Acha nione nitapea nani izo likes mnataka :D:-)

Get your feet 1st in the village, this is beyond your comprehension.

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Najua ni like unataka. Pata moja

Take your ferking like away, wish I was able to delete it.


Pea bibi yako junkie hizo likes . NGOMBE

Elder statesman tetea Mkufuu naona alikasirisha admin