Ecumenism deception

Today we already are confusing the word “love”. The deadly concept of love today is really the deadly “love” gospel to where ecumenism declares that it’s love, all love and that all religions are the same- that Christians worship the same God with Roman Catholics (and I have the firm stand that they are not my brothers and sisters in Christ but people who desperately need to see the truth about salvation!), Mormons, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, etc. but that is so dead wrong. Well they say I’m not being loving like Jesus, I’m not showing God’s love to them when I’m telling them that their religion won’t save them, that they’re sinners who need salvation, that only the Lord Jesus Christ can save but let me tell you this- I love people enough to tell them the truth! I love people enough to write a “fanatic” page like this, even if it means to be hated by people because I love them in the Name of Jesus. And I can say I am fighting a holy war but not a literal earthly fleshy war but the war to save men’s souls from eternal damnation in the Lake of Fire!

Here’s what the Bible says about love in 1 Corinthians 13:6 that love rejoices not in iniquity but rejoices in the truth. You can tell the truth without loving but you can never love without telling the truth. God loves people so much He wants them to know the truth that’s why He sent His prophets, apostles and His Son the Lord Jesus Christ to warn them about sin, the need for repentance, turning to Him for forgiveness and all about Hell. In fact Jesus was loving enough to tell the whole truth about man’s sinfulness, He doesn’t sugar coat the Gospel just because the lost sinner will be upset. That’s where the so-called love gospel spirals into, downward destruction.

To those who believe that Jesus accepts other religions, they are certainly preaching another Jesus as so certain, He declared in John 14:6 from His own mouth, “I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man cometh to the Father EXCEPT through Me.” And it is very consistent with God’s hatred for false religion from the Old Testament to the New Testament because they bind people into captivity. I triple dog dare those liberals to debunk the Lord Jesus’ stand because they can’t and I love the Lord to accept He’s the only Way of salvation, no other name but the Name of Jesus! Would have Jesus been accepting to other religions, He would not say those words nor would He showed how intolerant He was to manmade religion and He didn’t “take that all away” as those deluded ecumenical and “liberals” (Isaiah 32:5) think:

In Matthew 5:18-44, Jesus’ expository preaching goes as far as to debunk the twisted interpretations of Scriptures. The Pharisees had no doubt perverted the Law for their own convenience like using the eye for eye law to take revenge, turning the Sabbath into a burden than a delight and have desecrated the ordinance of marriage to name a few of their wrong teachings. Sure the Pharisees looked like “good people” but Jesus exposed how wicked they were on the inside.
When He taught His disciples to pray, in Matthew 6:7 He even says not to use vain repetitions as the pagans do. Would He have had respect for other religions, He would have never criticized pagan worship.

In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus warned that for strait is the gate and narrow is the Way to Life and few there be that find it and broad is the way and wide is the gate to destruction and many enter thereat. He warned that there will be more people who will enter Hell than Heaven.

In Matthew 7:15-20 He warns about the dangers of manmade religion by their fruits and their dangerous appeal where they seem to be good persons and model citizens but are really vipers.

Matthew 7:21-23 He warns about the religious crowd saying that in the Day of Judgment, so many people will say, “Lord, Lord” but will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Such people were never saved to start with (1 John 2:19). Though they profess to love the Lord, they don’t. They hate him by their actions like worshiping idols and trying to achieve salvation by their own righteousness ignorant of the righteousness of God (Romans 10:3).

Jesus said that such people despite their claims to all their good works are in reality, workers of iniquity. How many people who teach works salvation are actually drunkards, homosexuals, adulterers, greedy for filthy lucre, trucebreakers, swindlers, drug dealers, etc.? Notice the jails with a lot of people devoted to false religion. They have their rosaries, scapulars, they make the sign of the cross but they’re not real Christians because they are not. I may sound harsh and fanatical in saying that but sorry, I have to say it. They have external piety but no internal change. Their lives still in a life of sin and no repentance showed how much they were never saved to start with.

In Matthew 18:3 He shows the need for conversion.

In Matthew 23, Jesus had already predicted the rise of Mystery Babylon when He declared the eight woes of the Pharisees to which He condemned the manmade religion they have made and oppressed people with.

Mark 7:8-13 He clearly showed the dangerous reality of rejecting Scripture in order to keep the traditions of men. Rejecting God’s Word to keep and maintain the traditions of the councils past and present that have contradicted each other is dangerous that’s why I tell people they are lost.
He shows the rich young ruler that He cannot save himself.

In Luke 18:10-14, He condemned the works salvation system of the Pharisees. He didn’t just attack the arrogance of the Pharisees, He really attack their RELIGION.

John 3- He talks with Nicodemus about the need to be born again spiritually because of sin.

John 5:23 He warns that all who reject Him the Son also reject the Father. Many religions in the world reject that reality and teach that Jesus was just a mere man, a prophet. There are also other bizarre notions of who He is like a mother’s dependent wh

John 14:6 as said, He verified that He is the only Way to the Father, no other way but Him and Him alone. If Jesus accepted other people’s religion, He would have said that He was one of the ways, Mary is another way, you can have Buddha but no He did not say such things!

Jesus was a firm quoter of the Scriptures, not tradition. Notice He has used the phrase, “It is written” and “Have ye not read?” a lot in rebuking false doctrine. Clearly He stood at Sola Scriptura and I really find every argument against Sola Scriptura nothing more than the fulfillment of Mark 7:8-9, 13.