Easy Passive income

Kijana tafuta kazi. You’re wasting your bundles, time and effort.

A rumour is never confirmed until it’s denied

Kuna wale mafala walioshwa through some shady Amazon pyramid scheme…then everything crumbled down and they lost everything

I personally don’t believe in easy passive income. For me passive income is considered to be some activities which I have to dedicate particular time in order to let these activities work on me. So, initially I work on these activities, while then they work on me. There are no easy money in the internet or in real life. There are only those ones which can help you to earn some money. No doubts, that nowadays we have lots of opportunities which concern the topic of earning money, but the matter here is to develop your skills in order to earn as much as you can. There is no limit and those who understand it will always be on top.