Eastleigh video from a passengers perspective

Blame my browser

weka yote nimeona tu ile ya ule alikuwa mpaka anijificha while recordin

which video is this? Is it ile ya waga?

This has been posted here enough times

Seems like una hekaya. Ikam teke teke


Kikosi cha hii tuliona kujeni.

For me, I recall it was a certain Wednesday when Judas was negotiating with the high priests on how much he should get for betraying Jesus.

Hii tuliona enzi zile Burkina Faso ilikuwa ikiitwa Upper Volta.

They get you recording. …you get !

Hii ata cecil rhodes aliiona

hii tuliona kama bado penguins zilikua zinafly

Kabla vasco da gama amee nywele za makwapa
