This relates to the entry of Jesus(as) into Jerusalem. The Jews held a festival of the palms dating back to the time of the Macabees, roughly 200 years before the birth of Jesus(as). The Jews would be celebrating this regardless of whether Jesus(as) entered into Jerusalem or not. It was merely adopted by the Catholic church.
Without question, perhaps the most celebrated of all the Christian holidays. It deals with the very foundation of the Christian faith;
“And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain and your faith is also vain.”
1 Corinthians 15:14
Yet, where did this festival originate? The Holy Qur’an is clear on the fact that Jesus(as) was not crucified;
“…and they killed him not, nor did they cause his death on the cross, but he was made to appear to them as such…” Surah Al-Nisa: 157
This pagan festival is actually a combination of both Astoria(from which the word Easter is derived from), the female goddess of fertility of the northern European Saxons and the Isis-Osiris cult. The lover of Astoria, Attis, dies and is reborn annually, in conjunction with the summer solactice(spring time), the time of the year of the Easter celebrations. The theology of Attis was incorporated into the events of Prophet Jesus(as), according to the Christian church that is. The symbol of Astoria is the EGG, which is part of the Easter celebration(Easter Egg).
In the Isis-Osiris cult of ancient Egypt, crucifixion was often a required means of sacrificing the King as the “INCARNATION OF GOD” for the “SALVATION” of man. Such bloody sacrifices were accompanied by the belief that the saviour’s flesh and blood had to be eaten and drank in a cannibalistic sacrament. This is currently practiced by the Catholic Church, metaphorically, in all their masses. Yet, one cannot ignore the pagan roots of this act. The Catholic Church actually believes in the transubstantiation of this ceremony, instituted by St. Thomas Aquinas in the 12th Century A.D., meaning, the Catholics believe that the bread and wine used turns into the actual flesh and blood of Prophet Jesus(as), exactly in line with the ceremony of the Isis-Osiris cult, which dates back to 1700 BC. The notion that Prophet Jesus(as) had to be sacrificed for the salvation of all mankind traces back to this older barbarism. Allah(swt) rejects this savagery(see Genesis 22:1-14, 1 Samuel 15:22, Psalms 4:5, 5:17 among many examples from the Bible).
I would like to state that, as a Muslim, it is my responsibility, as it is for all Muslims, to bring to light the truth of such pagan practices in the hopes that, Insha’Allah(God Willing), Christians will see the errors of such acts which are nothing more than rituals that draws one away from the Worship of Almighty God.