and the commentator at one point stated that, “ooh looks like the sea lion has achieved penetration in this case” he came across as that old dude that hosts poor man’s bikini beach
Am fine hun…had a boring day being a couch waru , how was yours?
i cant with reality
you should’ve invited me to your coach it would have been less boring. mine was interesting in some way i think i still have to create a multihandle for a developing hekaya
Present…USB tethering to laptop imekataa but its charging…can’t download from my phone…saidieni…present!!
Tuma kwa inbox ,I will post it #stolen :D…
thats a side of me i will have to hide from you for now
Present,bado narega rega tu
Present niko hapa kwa kiti nakunywa Mcdowells nikifikiria kuhusu maisha
i am here reading this
maisha ni mafupi…mimi niko na xmas CD gift from my aunt about to open…entitled “Preparing young girls for marriage”
Haiya…nitakushika tuu, you can tell me pris…I wunt tell pinky promise
hizi ndizo naanzia kesho. [SIZE=1]mtu aniite mtoto atatona
[ATTACH=full]28770[/ATTACH] [/SIZE]
hio mcdowells imekuwa popular. haina hangover. lakini usilewe ukiwa na stress unaeza fanya mambo schupit
nitakwambia tu in due time
Haya watch hiyo CD halafu ukuje nikuoe tuanze familia…sitakuwa na mancave
Uko na mercedez tuanzie hapo…
Umeanza kunigold dig mapema hivi babe
It is jst a fetish I have…ni hayo tu
will a mark x count? atleast inafuanana kiasi hehe