Yoh whats up, Avicii’s death made me realise that there are more kenyan’s out there who recognize our beloved, mzungu, not so popular, misjudged genre. Naweza penda sana kuskia vile mlicome kujua kuhusu Electronic Dance Music, what your favourite sub genre (house, dubstep, afro etc.) is… na kama mnaweza penda hio sector ya ngoma igrow in kenya AND if you think haiwes make huku. Thanks
House and afrodance(afropop) for me
House… My therapy
Hi Gee, can we meet for some therapy?
Somebody else got me already
Glad we’re in this together fam
any favourites?
the thought of me stealing you from him makes me feel like Paris of Troy
I’m infor the bass bro. Dubstep 4eva, though i listen to all of them, after all… house is what started it all. R.Ip Avicii
@Liberty ona hii Ng’ombe
Darude started it all…
I have an old mix of techno I recorded on tape by the homeboys. My favourite mix from back then was Gigamix 2001 by Olivermomm then I stumbled on Live @Cream Amnesia Ibiza by Tiesto nikapenda Trance.
Darude bro, what a classic… this will never get old.
Tiesto man, This dude is one lucky guy. He was just in the industry at the right time to be one of the biggest dj’s in the world. unajua aliDJ kwa oympics za 2004. Iyo ni Kuweza!
Aaaaah… sijaskianga hii…lakini nimependa both tracks. wacha ata nizitafute
FYI…House and Techno were invented by African-Americans in Chicago and Detroit respectively. Dubstep music came from Black British in London.
aaaaaaaye… thank you man. thank you for sharing… have you watched WHAT WE STARTED? It has a little history on EDM too… though vague. nacheki ata wanaongea kuhusu KRAFTWERK kwa this documentary ya Knuckles. kraftwerk-computer love, best track mazeh, the melodic content in that song is amazing
Africans are credited for most music…and yet we are considered the savages…haha… LOLOLOLOLOL