Dubai, UAE: 10 Reasons Why Not To Stay in Dubai, UAE

Contemplating moving to Dubai - for work or business -watch this esp for families

I bet the chap is a disgrunted expat outside U.A.E,probably he wanted the tattoo done and the company told him to ferk off…I noticed there’s a lot of ‘why i hate emirates’ or 'dubai" you tube videos,you realize there’s an undertone of anger in their voice. job security? i thought kuna contracts.? but he’s right about the racial bias,though wrong on the medicals,companies provide insurance which is mandatory unless uliingia ki jua kali Tuulize @kush yule mnono atuambie ,labda yuko jela na hatujui

Emirates Cabin Crew Job Experience

Have only visited the place kama mtalii so I cunt relate. Oya, mkienda huko make sure not to miss place inaitwa IMG Worlds of Adventures

Huyu ninja akona machungu nkama alitombewa bibi. For the entire 25 minutes he’s been yapping about mambo ameskia from friends anga ngeofrend and nothing ali experience himuself. Life in Dubai and the gulf in general requires too much discipline. Sio lazima uende movie na kusos junk food all the time. Saingine cheki movie kejani na ujipikie samolina ukule polepole.

I agree with him housing is expensive but why would I wanna live in a 1 bedroom house nlipe 3-4000 dirhams. What we used to do was get a two bedroomed house which goes for about 3,500 ma areas fulani low end, alaf we park majamaa kama 4 hivi and split the cost.

Mambo ya shule cunt relate, hakuna kampu ina job security in the whole world. You joke with your work unaenda, apart from ma labourers whose majority ni waindi ndo unaeza chunjwa ju ya ufala kiasi sana. Medical ni ju ya kampuni for the small fish. Driving sio lazima kwa watu wadogo and furthermore for one to drive you have to be ready to spend in fines, parking na kathalika. Kuita mdosi sir ama Mr ni SOP lazima ifuatwe.

Racism nayo iko kwa sana, as an expat from hutu tu country hivi hivi mwarabu apana tambua so lazima ukuwe mpole. To summarize the issue, huyu mujamaa ni hekaya bila mbica ndo anajaza nayo server. @admin priss tuma huyo muindi wa face tattoos Siberia awache kusumbua kijiji.

Embargo inapelekaje Qatar omwami? Vitu kutoka Saudia, UAE na Jordan etc zinaingia ama zinakaziwa?

Qatar iko sawa buda. Infact hio blockade ilidu poa ju they had to start large scale production ya basic stuff. As for Saudi, UAE, Jordan and Egypt walionyeshwa the middle finger. No products from those countries in Qatar. Turkish, Iran, Oman and India stepped up real nice. In actual sense as a resident we no longer feel the impact, life iko kawaida.

Kuko aje saa hii huko boss.
Nikitembea na Tourist niTarmac kiasi unaonaje?

Iko sawa. Too many jobs up for grabs kwanza ukiwa kwa ground. Piga raundii huku, you never know.