I have a 500gb hard disk i have partioned it into three separate drives two with 50gbs each and the third with remaining space. On drive one i want to have win 7 and office 2013, On drive two i want to instal win 10 and office 2016 while i will transfer my music,movies,pictures and documents on the third so that i can access them when am on either of the Os. I have never done this before but am reading online that its doable. Someone may ask why i would want two Os on the same machine my reason is simple I love win 7 and I have not fully used win 10 but am told its heavily depended on internet which may be limiting . so without much ado hebu advice asante sana…
windows ten ni pure garbage niliupgrade for a week or two nikarudisha seven coz ni better for gaming na haina hizo bs zote za start menu just simple as windows come
True Win10 iliniharibia Laptop
It is doable. Utachagua which drive you want the OS to install and all the drives will be visible to both OS’s
@snapdragon ile Remix OS umeinstall mahali?
Install Windows 7 first (cool if you already have it installed). Then install Windows 10 selecting a different partition. That is it.
Like the guys above, I found Win 10 problematic. Explorer kept freezing randomly. Then kuna Control Panel na Settings which do the same thing differently…
Partition moja weka a linux distro kitu kama open suse ama linux mint. Mimi sioni haja ya kuweka windows mbili. Office 2016/13 will work on any. Mimi natumia windows 10 na so far sijawahi pata shida hata moja. Start menu ya windows 10 na 7 ziko tu same sioni tofauti. With time hizo service packs will make it stable
If you are a gamer you will have to update sooner or later because new games will soon start running on Direct x12, which is far better than DX 11. DX 12 is the biggest feature in windows 10 for most techies.
I already have Remix OS dual booting with windows 8.1 and so far it looks very promising.
Pia me I’ve used win10 (fresh copy)since it launched and I installed all my apps (pirated ones) Na sijawai pata shida ata moja.Mpaka drivers zote zinaingia.
I uninstalled it am on Ubuntu now I wanted to developed a rom from source but apparently am stuck on downloading source code which is 14GB na upuss na simcard yangu ya mwitu ilifungwa…talk of problems facing technology industry in kenya unaffordable internet data plans
@Deorro and other gurus, i have windows 10 on Dell. However, it keeps dropping my wifi like every so offten. like 10 times a day when am online. but my phone is ok and other computers. I have the latest drivers but still the problem persists. Any advice?
Wekea sisi complete details kwa thread. Ninefikiria kutengenezea watu htpc nayo
why do you want to install windows of different version on same machine. si ujaribu utumie OS ingine labda like parrot, android ama ubuntu
watu wa 1gb ram ndio wanalia windows 10, icore5 tumetulia tu
Troubleshoot uone inaleta shida gani… Pia u can try to run this in admin cmd “netsh winsock reset”
Be very careful when playing around with dual boot. I messed up my system trying to partition it. You say you have 3 partitions. There is another partition that is hidden (reserved or/and recovery- depends na laptop my samsung has both) the MBR only allows a maximum of four. You have reached your limit. It’s possible to create an extended with logicals but windows cant be installed on an extended partition. Kuna venye u will have to convert to GPT which has no limit on number of partitions (or kama unajua chenye unafanya move bootmgr to C using bootable minipartition wizard halafu shrink C and then extend the reserved or/and recovery ndio uweke windows 10 hapo)
PS: windows 10 is shitty. You will miss windows 7 haraka sana. The white title bar (accent colour issues), ugly taskbar, horrible tiles, depressing icons, privacy concerns etc nilirudi windows 7 mbio
Anyone know how to go back to Windows 7 from Windows 10 after the grace period? Saidia tafadhali.