Hello talkers!!!
These four months have been strange for me.The emotional attachments…Today i ask talkers what they think.
I have or rather had this lady,still in campus and now going for her attachment in Eldoret.I met her last year while on some bs in Western,and before i got to hit her puthy,she wanted to be in a relationship and she made me say i would try to love her.(as a second wife)
After hitting her,she kept in touch,texting and calling.
But since Jan,this has changed.Unless i call or text,thats when she talks.She claims to be busy.I dont bother myself to understand her reason since she is not the only lady i am hitting as there are others on my menu.
Now,for the past 3 weeks i have been on serious dry spell.I just dont feel ok down there,my bags are leaking…
Now my question come to this,how long can a lady go without having sex.Coz it is now 4 months before i hit her and now i am questioning if she has found a replacement?