Drought and the role of government


Arent we supposed to be self reliant as individuals? As citizens who pay taxes is it too far fetched to demand that the government feeds those that cant? A government that cant feed its populace has no legitimate mandate governing in the first place? Why is the political class keen on the hoi polloi registering as voters while the latter are dying of hunger?

What is ur county gavana doing abt it?? hii ujinga muache

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you have a good question but when you tail it off with political commentary you lose some of your focus. citizens have to put the government in place for it to work for them. they therefore have to be mobilized to participate in the making of the best government they can; hungry or not. would you rather the government made moves to suspend the elections because of drought (a recipe for instability right there!)? there are however too many questions in the drought and famine question intertwined with our governance system for the issues you have raised to be answered adequately…

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the government through community based target food distribution should give food to sincere/vulnerable cases of hunger

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Its not really a political commentary because the government and the ‘supposed’
government in waiting are both guilty of this. Opposition strongholds are far much worse

do you know famine/drought is a whole industry in the ASAL areas…employing hundreds who have been creating “sustainable livelihoods” for the last 30 years? do you know some MPs in the current parliament got rich by diverting relief supplies? and when someone touches them inakuwa ni mtu wetu?

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How is this point relevant to the govt’s role in providing food relief ?

What is ur county gavana doing abt it?? hii ujinga muache

With all due respect, your knowledge on drought is derived on hearsay, and attending CSGs just to get 1000shs not caring whats spoken in there.

The problem that is drought is nothing that you have puked on with so many words… it has everything to do with culture, dependency syndrome, educated-fools, and global warming.

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the relevance is in the fact that the MP is in a position to lobby government to channel resources towards permanent solutions but he is interested. right now politicians are using government relief supplies for political leverage ahead of the elections…

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The machinery of a state keen on alleviating the suffering of its unfortunate citizens cannot claim to be held hostage by the whims of a few who form part of itself in the first place. Thats no excuse whatsoever.

theoretically yes, but you post like you are a stranger to our political “system”…

Kenya is still largely an agricultural country and therefore people will mostly get food through subsistence farming. I assume that you think that the issue is just choosing another profession but we can’t all be office workers. Just saying that those stricken by drought have a problem with dependency is being callous. Governments in many developed countries helped farmers grow more food and even now still support agricultural activities e.g corn subsidies in the USA. So govt does have a role to play and wanting it to intervene isn’t being dependent, it’s being practical and understanding that food security is also a part of it’s responsibility.


Thats why we are a failed state and rightly so.

Boss, i know what I am talking about; i am published.

further, go write your dad this typa essay

This learned helplessness will not solve anything. I am sure that you are rational enough to understand that this is a problem that can be solved by teaching people critical thinking and logic when choosing their leaders.

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Just because you are published doesn’t mean your views on the world won’t be colored by bias. In this case a bias against people who are not as fortunate as you are. Self-serving bias.

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how would you go about that? before we passed our constitution civic education was conducted by the same civil society that needs the status quo to remain in business…

The taxpayers are struggling to make it to the next month and yet you expect them to feed people who don’t contribute to society? That is a tough request for many.


It can’t be done by the government because the government has an interest in the populace voting based on tribalism and being hyper-partisan.

Civil society can also not be trusted because they are pay to play organisations. We need a grassroots initiative by the people and organised using tools such as social media e.g reddit. It also shouldn’t direct anyone towards one party it should just teach people logic and show them the power that an assertive person can have on governance. In the rural areas I think that we would need one on one talks with the people. There might be more difficulty in getting people to see that leaders are servants as well as getting them to stop feeling helpless. We should also make it easy for people who are running for election to have their whole life audited to find any scandals or cases they were involved in. For incu,bents we should show how they used the allocated resources. This information is publicly available but it is not centralised.

One thing that we forget is that if the weak are pushed too hard they will erupt. It’s either we solve this problem as private citizens or we will see 2007 happen again in 2022.

In the future we can also get rid of first past the post voting.