Driving Rules and Driving Safety

While driving at night and want to overtake how do you guys calculate the distance of the oncoming traffick?? I really find it tricky for me. Anyone with More tips of driving at night, please add.

Also, if you have learnt a thing or two when driving on Kenyan roads, please share it here. Tusaidiane hapa wazito.

Usiku ni noma if kama hujui njia, second never speed at night. Full light ya gari can only see around 100m or thereabouts, kama kuna kitu hapo mbele na uko speed wewe ni dead meat.

People should really dim their lights for oncoming traffic. Hate those selfish mofos who don’t.

All add-on lights not installed by the auto manufacturer should attract a total ban/ taxed heavily/ increased insurance premiums and excess.

My advice when it comes to night driving is avoid at all costs. Unless it’s an emergency and you have no option but to drive. In this case make sure you only drive on roads that you are familiar with (state of road, terrain, security etc)

Just don’t overtake if there is any oncoming traffic

With time,utazoea. its all about perfection.i also came to realize that something like, weight lighting, its not that those people are heavy weights, art of perfection son.

Actually at first i used to hate night driving but with time i came to love it. My whole concentration is on the road coz there are no distractions.1: Dim your lights when there’s oncoming traffic
2:Flash your lights twice to warn the oncoming vehicle to dim their full lights
3:If they don’t dim. Pia wewe weka full.
4:make sure all lights are properly working
5:have a machete chini ya kiti. Na torch yenye haitokangi kwa gari(they may come in handy)
6:most people advice on looking on the road line on your left ndio usipotee barabara when there’s an oncoming vehicle. Trust your instincts
7:maximum speed 100kph
8:lastly, when darkness is setting. Stop the car and let it be completely dark. That transitioning period makes it difficult as the eyes have not yet adjusted.
9)drink and drive as it gives someone the courage to overtake and face carjackers.

Shida ni wale hu-tint windscreen. Anakuwekea full lights juu hata yeye haoni vizuri.