Dreams with the departed

Does anyone experience this? Every so often departed individuals visit me in my dreams. If it isn’t a relative who died when I was in my teens its a childhood friend who passed on suddenly at the age of 29. For this particular individual its kind of strange because we had since lost contact for more than a decade at the time he passed. The childhood memories are thus very distant and sketchy.

There isn’t really anything extraordinary happening in the dreams but whatever is happening these loved ones appear and form a fundamental part of it.

I read somewhere that other people interpret this as the spirits of those that departed trying to get the living to join them in the afterlife. I dismissed that and reasoned that its simply background memories, memories buried deep in the subconscious bubbling up from underneath and rising to the surface when the tightly sealed lid of the conscious mind is lifted when in deep sleep.

Does anyone experience this, and what is your interpretation of this kind of occurence. Obviously my half-baked hypothesis isn’t offering me any comfort because here I am asking questions, and if the frequency and intensity of these dreams is anything to go by something else must be the cause.

Those who have been devastated by the loss of a loved one(s), have you gone through this? How did you handle it?

Nyasaye akulinde:cool:

Whenever a person dies they stop existing even if you were dreaming about them daily when they were alive it stops automatically.
If you dream with a dead person there must be a reason. I never dreamed with a dead person apart from one childhood friend who died at car accident.
Someone told me if a person dies prematurely it’s as if they exist on earth plane therefore the dreams as if they are alive.
Don’t worry it will pass its not a big deal .

Find a Repentance and Holiness altar asap

It’s no big deal. I dream of my dead high school best friend everyday na sisumbuki mawazo. It only affects you when you let it.

Simple. If something goes forgotten for so long, it comes calling in your dream. It doesn’t even have to be dead ones per se.

I have experienced that on an occasional basis. But as an unspiritual person, I dismiss them as mere suppressed memories that emerge when my mind is not on guard. No advice except to ignore those dreams and maybe chat with a friend about it. May loosen up whatever your mind is suppressing.

Post-bereavement/ grief hallucinatory experiences are the brain’s coping mechanism to help reduce separation distress. Though rare, they can happen and should not worry you. Nothing supernatural about it, it’s just your brain processing emotions.