I heard an argument that the Kitengela brothers were murdered because they had dread locks so the herders thought they were cattle rustlers.
I don’t know how true the allegations are but I want to point this out. Dread locks will never be accepted in the Kenyan society.
Locks are associated with cults, hooliganism and gangsterism. If cops are looking for a suspected criminal among a group of people, be sure that if you have locks utachukuliwa tu.
Also ladies with locks mnajua tu ni feminazi na morality yao pia ni questionable. Just look at these people. [ATTACH=full]380271[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]380272[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]380273[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]380274[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]380275[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]380276[/ATTACH]
I don’t think its because of dread locks - maasai warriors had dreadlocks.
my theory is, it was because of land. kikuyus have been rushing to buy/ grab land in maasai ‘‘territory’’ for a long time. The herders just thought these were brokers/customers and to make matters worse maybe these ‘brokers’ decided to ‘talk bad’ so the herders dealt with them. The same shit is happening in laikipia but you never hear of it.
Nikiambia watu niwauzie buroti maguta maguta in neutral places like juja hawataki kusikia they salivate for sweet maasai land.
Siku hizi dready is just fashion , it lost it’s rebel label hata wsaenge siku hizi wako nazo ,but for the elder generation it’s still kind of a big deal , they won’t tell you to shave but would prefer if you didn’t have them !
I remember I had a cousin in the early 90’s with locks it was such a big deal clan elders met to discuss this lost boy , my grandma almost fainted when she demanded he take of his hat for prayer dude was a real rebel !!:D:D
Most women nolonger spot locks similar to the ladies you have posted…siku hizi you won’t tell if a lady has locks or braids and they are mostly very neat…kwanza kuna zingine zinaitwa sister locks they are very thin and very neat…na usiniulize vile nilijua mambo ya salon hata wewe utajua once you realise those sister locks cost 40k to install and approximately 5k every time you go back for maintenence, could be every 3 weeks. Alafu we have artificial locks ( Google these things)…those ones will set you back some 20k to install…trust me you won’t notice these are locks on most ladies and these are what feminazis usually get…the most noticeable ones are the unkempt…zile zenye wenyewe hawajali… @Freyja nadanganya kweli?
What about those expensive bikes, you think the maasai are that stupid. These are pastoralists mehn they take their cows to nairobi and even as far as mombasa so they have probably seen and interacted with many people unlike some kikuyu peasant farmer in mukurweini/muranga. Furthermore their towns are a melting pot different people like wazungus, unataka kusema hawajawahi ona tatoos ?
You remember what happened to those indian businessmen at the coast I cant remember the exact location. They were burnt to death. I think last month. The government needs to sought out these historical land injustices. Its a ticking time bomb The most affected indigenous communities are the Maasai na watu wa pwani.
I don’t think so. Because, to this day, wearers like rastas and even others opine that its a statement against ‘westernisation’. ‘Going back to African roots’. ‘Avoiding pesa mingi ya saloon and blow dry’. Among other myriad reasons.
In short, its still a statement of opposition, or rebellion to whatever it is the wearer feels is not worth his/her time.
About the brothers, kuna proverb ingine inasema, and I paraphrase, before (or even after) accusing the wild cat of eating the chickens, ask the surviving chickens what they were doing in the bush.
stereotype ya maasai mujinga.
trust me a poor man can easily spot a rich man from a mile away. or lets go with your theory - they were killed because they are okuyus/mungich nothing new
A few years back no institution would have allowed you within 100 feet with dreadlocks ! you were basically a social outcast the only people you could interact with are ur fellow lepers in ur leper colony ! Nowadays even school kids have them, newscasters have them , many church goers have them even pastors it’s nothing but a fashion statement it stands for nothing !
Muache upuzi na mfikirie kidogo, when was the last time you heard maasais kill two strangers before ati ju wanaogopa ng’ombe ziibiwe, apart from the skirmishes they have as a group with the kisiis and kipsigis, this was probably a personal issue