Dramedy: The Plot Thickens

Previously on Prison Break…


Hio cybercrimes act iko enforceable, hii upuzi imezidi

But naona ni kama hii story yote ilikuwa set up ya kungoa huyo prison boss. Kuhepa kamiti ni ngumu. Plus most criminals wakipotea jela they split up not escaping together where they can be easily identified

All that to fire an officer, hardly plausible

That’s too much work. Ogalo ni my mdogo Sana to do all that.


If you’ve been paying attention to the news then you know this isn’t the first prison break. Weeks ago some pastoralists escaped. Tukaambiwa ati ukiona mtu mwenye hana nguo, na anaongea mbaya, report to the nearest police station :smiley:
I don’t know how far that case went.

The other day there was that article claiming prison inmates consume 400M worth of food rations. Then this happens at the same time. Maybe we should give the government the benefit of the doubt. Could be the leadership at Kenya prisons is severely compromised and the situation required radical action. Notice they appointed a KDF Brigadier to replace the prisons officer they fired. Shows they don’t trust the other senior wardens.

Plus making a case for terror fight financing while Blinken was in town. Hata sometimes I think the Kampala bombing were serving the same purpose.

Hahahaha, people trusting government kwa issues, until you know the people in government are petty. For Matiangi could be true…