DRAMA in Machakos after a swarm of bees attacked a lady – Men’s clothes, passport, and foreign currency recovered from her

Wednesday, 27 October 2021 – Business almost came to a standstill at one of the bus stations in Machakos after a swarm of bees mounted on a lady’s hand.

According to sources, the middle-aged lady, who hails from Kitui County, was waiting to board a vehicle when the bees attacked her, leaving members of the public in shock.

She started screaming while desperately trying to chase the bees away but her efforts bore no fruits.

Photo- https://i0.wp.com/kenyan-post.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/248411644_1544163045936585_3378657881920358161_n.jpg?w=555&ssl=1


Inaitwa marketing gimmicks.
Now the muganga is selling his 'services like mandazi moto.