Dragon fruit farming

Naona hii ndiyo the new hype huku kenya sijui kama itakunywa maji kama quails, pepino melon and the rest.

I advice you venture into that biashara and chorea thuggery , pia unaeza kubali bwana yesu and your trajectory will change from kamiti convict to an agricultural mogul .

By the time una anaza kusikia kwa mdomo za watu juwa isha isha, lakini jaribu utueleze


Enyewe Dingo weka fe chini.

Hi kitu taste mbao. Bure kabisa Ngombe ici

Ukitaka kutajirika na Pyramid Scheme be among the top 32 at the Apex. Returns diminish after base imepanuka beyond 64, same with other businesses

Liquid Screen Protectors and Other scams

[COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)] 64, 128, 256

[COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Computers and accessories (1999-2006), Phones (1998-2005) & Spare 2005-2015), MPESA (2009-2015), etc zilitajirisha early birds before they became saturated.

Run! If the main business is luring new entrants it’s a scam

If it has a “lean target market”, run …utapata blood pressure bure. I have one rule, if my immediate local market is available, it’s doable, but if the market is for “selectable” medium-high end customers forget it. Zitaozea kwa shamba!

Don’t try it as a financial venture. The current demand is quite low and it’s tightly controlled,not worth it at all. You’ll cry endless tear elder!

Dragon fruits are not a short time venture, it takes 7 years before first fruits appear,
Ni biz ya land owners sio kama kuweka quile kwa flats.

How do you get to know of emerging pyramid schemes?

Hyped businesses with promises of quick returns.