Tafuta blowup doll
Thanks mujamaa, nishikie space hapo kwa meza na come
Hehe, ati kuanguka kwa drum? Hiyo busaa ikiiva save me a jug full.
Reminds me of the time I did a listing on ‘lust’ and was almost run out of town. Hii yako @Kush will require a multi-disciplinary team comprising of at least a clinician, your spiritual elder, spouse, etc. This is not really a medical issue as such and I’ll be the first to confess that treating addictions is one very difficult area.
[QUOTEthest: 28992, member: 221"]
Bl. ters?Jeso, kwani you fap with sand ama hiyo deki yako ni ngumu aje?
Yaani the guy needs a multi pronged Intervention. A crusade ama commission of enquiry. Hehehe
Eti Commission of Inquiry?
Wewe ni Drug addict…
the drug in this case is dopamine…therefore
you are addicted to DOPAMINE…
and you will run out of the dope or the effects will start wearing off and you require frequent hits to get the same effect
on the positive side .since you are fat…you will lose weight…rapidly…a
unfortunately the more dope effect you get the more you want
p/s a woman is a worse addiction than “'kawasaki”…is expensive(ask any married man) ,lasts a lifetime
Siwes click pia atafutwe alete ile story yake akipatikana na mrembo akijipenda.
Just switch hands for now as we try to analyse your problem… or have someone handcuff your hands behind your back
@Luther12 unfortunately sina wife. I normally dick hawa ma wanabe socialites when a chance arises, I believe there are guys out there who have succeeded in fighting this habit and are no longer watu wa pikipiki. Any positive suggestion ama dawa naweza tumia to control this urge before you put together the commission of inquiry. Ukiona mujamaa ako hivi ujue kuna shida.
idla mind…tafuta hobby ingine ,go out mors socilialise with ladies more often, set yourself self restrictive policies i.e that part is a no go zone for your hands unless your peeing, keep off internet it doesnt portray the real world and see how long you can do without kawasakin.start with a day or two.All the best
Make yourself busy…so busy you wont have time for kawasaki…you will just forget about it and view it as a childish act.
I dont normaly masturbate but when i do i use a woman.
I think @Davidee nailed it: you have too much time on your hands (no pun intended) IMO. Get busy doing something constructive. Ukitoka kazini, hit the gym.
This is serious addiction. Men feel like fapping even when there is pussy. Especially if you are young and have too much free time and eating too much fried meat. However, ten times a day is epic. Si unalala 24/7 ?
Thanks @anonymous60
Hapo nimesoma, I know it will be a long ride
@karema-hitI I have already ordered for the handcuffs na sio za karao
@dr luther what’s wrong with the pun
on the hand tena…
Upuss si ni catHOOD ama u PAKA?