Dr Dre joins MGTOW


He was ordered to pay his ex-wife $300k per month for life. Assuming that she lives for another 40 years, she will have siphoned between $150 million and $200 million from him.

He was also ordered to pay off her two mansions.

Lastly, the judge ordered him to pay her health insurance (so that she can live long enough to milk every penny) and legal costs for the divorce case (so that she can shaft him properly).

He is screwed.

He can only get rid of that leech if one of them dies.

But the guy is worth 800 mil.

Ni kama wewe tuseme uko na net worth ya 80,000 hapo equity. So per year year utakuwa unapea bibi 300 shillings. In 20 years you will have given her 6000. Which is not too bad you are still a wealthy thousandaire with 74,000.

In 20 years Dre will have forked over 60 million and been left with $740 million.

Lakini dre ako na watoto na bibi wengi who he has abandoned. One of his daughter’s, La Tanya was said to be living in a rented car and is a Uber eats delivery driver.



@Mzichi your thoughts on men who abandon a trail of several single mothers with babies?

Men who can’t take care of their children are hardly men at all…

Men who abandon their children are hardly men at all…

Beech will never get to be married again,earn more than the paid mullahz,cant do talk shows regarding the divorce, lest she drops the alimony,she is screwed…not now though,inakam…but with a 300k purse every month

Man…pia Dre akona ma upuzi ya photos with baloons on social media kutangaza divorce…utoto sana. Umama galore.
Real dumb.
Not a good look.
Ufala sana.
Dre ana miaka ngapi?..ushienzi sana.

Dre is a Real OG, he would tell you to suck deezNuttz.

A man is still a man, wedda 'im wear jacket and tie or 'im walk bare foot or 'im no look out fi 'im own pickin. 'Im a man still.

fůck outta here with that bullshit.

American justice system is creating MGTOWs

Isn’t that real justice?

Arguments can be made for either side.

On one side, it makes divorce hard and ugly, which is a good thing where there are children. On the other hand it is more punitive to the major earner in the relationship.

That was a temporary order given by the judge awaiting the completion of the divorce case. Once completed, the order maybe withdrawn or changed

Yes it does, also I meant isn’t it creation of mgtows real justice?