'Don't Elect Thieves Who Will Ruin My Legacy And Kibaki's,' Uhuru Says

Asande mutongoria for reminding kenyans to do the right thing and reject ma-jambaz.


Yes tumekataa suudi, echeza, kachagua, waitituu, waikuru, titimus, songo, chambaz and other thieves and matapeli.



covid billionaires are the most corrupt politicians in Kenya, guess who wines and dines with them ?

Thief in chief, son of the first family of thugs! Thats a joke! A born thief, vs a trained thief! Greed for what’s not theirs runs in their DNA

Arrest these thieves, bwana president. Wakiwa ndani they cannot be elected:D

Heheh legacy gani uyu bwana amewacha

Uhuru is just saying. He is not at risk if shit hits the fan. He can live anywhere on this planet. People should listen to this guy. He knows what is coming if we fakk up.

Why then is he so bothered by who comes after him?

These thieves called the Kenyan elite can’t stay rich without access to public resources which is why elections are always vicious and why Raila took the handshake deal so quickly.

Uhuru and fam can theoretically live anywhere but they’d go broke within a decade

The elite are in this together with us, but their lives and that of their families is not in danger. And, no, they wouldn’t go broke. Uhuru is in as much a fix as you and I are. If you asked Kenyans to vote for Dida now, only professionals would even remotely consider that. Ruto is a worse choice than Raila by a few light years. And Uhuru knows this just as well as the next guy. When kaleos were burning down stuff in 2007, only common wananchi suffered. The elites were safely tucked in somewhere away from the fakkery.

Akiingia manze tumeisha. His associates are all thugs. They will shaft us dry dry.

Kwa barabara naona kujanaa amejaribu. Juzi nilikuwa huko kiambu mashinani na barabara zimepigwa lami sana. Nilikuwa sides za Eldy pia. Barabara kwa wingi. Same as western.

Well Spoken your Excellency Mr President

:smiley: we can see right through his lies

They are both thieves with him being a generational one. His problem with ruto is that dp did not worship him as he wanted, you know someone with a weak point he can bargain with or manipulate. Ruto knows his worth and therefore is independent minded. Uhuru thought he could as well hand over his votes to raila who after all does not feel entitled for his support and therefore still have a say politically… we refused to board. Why is he interested in who becomes the next president you may think… Kibaki cared less. The reason is that there are things that should be kept in dark as he continues to shaft us way after he leaves office.

I’d like to hear Kibaki’s view

u ve already ruined what kibaki built

Says a man who oversees 2billion stolen daily and has the audacity to tell us

Unaishi tu kwa ploti, sio? If you got time get around Kenya, piga diagonals from moyale to vanga and lokichogio to to lamu. You will not make that statement again.

He admits that he is working in a fakked up sysrem. Ministers wa mtu flani hapo hivo walikuwa wanabeba 200k to every meeting with the king. And the day Uhuru said that on record, is the day hiyo circus ilikoma.