It has come to my attention that the flamboyant fag of the village @Mwaniks789 is suffering severe abuse from his stud. Amekua akimfira bila lube mpaka brakes ziko karibu kuisha. Amefungia @Mwaniks789 kwa nyumba na handcuffs ndo akue his personal sex slave. Halishwi vizuri na already amepewa several STDs. The poor guy amekua akipiga kelele mingi sana kijijini but its just cries for help. Our fellow talker needs us. @Electronics4u, @Mundu Mulosi Bs Ms Ma PhD and ScD can you organize a paybill talkers wamchangie apate pesa ya chakula na medicine. He also needs counselling for the severe trauma he has undergone. Huyo SHOGA anahitaji usaidizi. Mods should also link @Mwaniks789 with less violent fags like @Blasty na @chap.
Who is sodomizing whom?
hio swali itakusaidiaje unless you are gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
@Mwaniks789 anachunishwa skuma na his stud.
Uko sure sio wewe?
I ain’t gay.
you are a known bottom homosexual
@cheekbusta = @T.Vercetti = @patco = @miritiandes = @Smith_ = bottom homosexual
Baruya ebu rudi kazi… mhindi akiona uko mtandao atapunguza mshahara yako to 4kgs of maize flour.
Case closed…You have been outed…Nowhere to hide