Does USA has a Commander-In-Chief? SHAME ON THE USA

USA is the World Super Power. AS a super power, there are obligations expected of her like leading the world to peace and the USA Commander-In-Chief being at the fore-front when something happens to the world.

But hours after Kabul is taken over by Taliban, where is the Commander-In-Chief of ‘a super Power’?

At least here at home Kenya when Al-Shabaab strikes us our Commander-In-Chief, UHURU KENYATTA, comes out on the fore-front to ensure us all is well and he is in control. See the chaos in Kabul yet the world 'commander-in-chief is nowhere to be seen or heard

All what is taking place is a shame to USA. Taliban knew current USA president is very weak not as BUSH or TRUMP. If this could have happened in Bush times, the bombs which could be dropping now in Kabul could be uncountable. Now USA government are just issuing threats and feminist statements in comforts of their homes


have? has?

This is another Saigon. The US has even begged Taliban to allow them to withdraw

Huyu mzee ako fifty years lakini kizungu yake haina tofauti na a refugee from Somalia

@Tom Bayeye @Nipe Nikusifu Am happy Kizungu na Pesa hazipatani mahali kizungu learned Kijiji elders

Onyosi acha ukumbafu. Unakuanga na tendency ya kufocus on vitu za umama when people are focusing on serious issues.


United Sodom survives on propaganda from Hollywood.

Hollywood will win for them Afghanistan just like they won for them in Vietnam. They win in movies.

Being the prefect of the world is a thankless hopeless job. Especially if you are gaining nothing.


Wait a minute, isn’t this just like giving taliban power, hivo Tu?

In addition, make me understand. The cost of such arsenal is some million dollars. They couldn’t go with it? Or it’s costless to them?

When alshabab attacked westgate, Uhuru was blacked out and had to be revived with medication, look at his first appearance addressing the nation 5 hours after the attack begun and everybody had been screaming " where is the president.

waliachia afghanistan army

Kwa video hapo, inasema hiyo arsenal iko mikononi mwa talishit

There is a president allright. Just that while not eating ice cream or getting lost in the manicured lawns of white house, he tasks his generals and the peerless us security apparatus to these more urgent terrorism threats.


True story. No one can make this up. Article starts around min 13 of this MSM news clip.

I don’t know what happened but people should just learn to sort their issues without blaming some ‘big brothers’

Unfortunately, all those weapons will ensure Afghanistan remains unstable for a along time, its very possible US deliberately refused to destroy them for that very purpose.

after afghanistan army ku surrender

Ju wamama ndo wamejazana hapa,wewe ukiwa jike dume mkubwa