Dodging a bullet

Kuna dame nili engage huko ma 2015 mpaka nikapeleka yeye kwa wazazi. After kupeleka yeye kwa wazazi alianza tabia za nitumie do nitumie doh. She could ask for a random 5k like 3 or four times a week buana. Kumbe she was drinking alcohol like nanzenz. Then she had a toi and they were fighting custody with her baby daddy. She asked me to attend court with her so that the court can see that the child will be in a stable homely environment. It became too much when I had to take off days to come to Nairobi for court cases and I broke the engagement. It was easy coz I was in Mombasa and she was here in Buru.
Juzi, a friend calls me on messenger at night, I didn’t hear the phone ring. He followed up with a message on whatsapp saying ‘your ex seems to be battling breast cancer’ as per her posts on fb. We had unfriended and blocked each other kitambo. I later replied to him ‘I dodged a 35mm bullet’. Didn’t give it much thought until I started asking myself what if my pal relayed back the message to her. Is it morally OK to think I dodged a bullet? Ningemmarry si mambo ingeenda segnemnege?

Ulikuwa unasimp aje hadi uende court as a stepdad, upeane drinking money, etc? There is a luo proverb - Kama iluokorie ok itwoe - where you’ve bathed you don’t wait to dry there

Singo matha… drunkard… nitumie dooh…kwani hukuwa umeona hizi red flags ama love is blind…ulijiokoa juu manzi analewa ni liability juu it accelerates the risk of many many diseases na kutombewa

Unafaa uandike kitabu recounting your escapades. You have a very interesting life…

Enyewe @Agwambo umekapatia.

I’m not judging, but wanaume wakifungua roho ile ku-simp wamefanya juu ya hiyo moist hole inaitwa ‘puusy’, therapist wengi hii Nairobi watakuwa fully booked.

And sell it to Netflix

Hapo ku engage in her fight with another nigger for her personal gains is where I draw the line. Siwes!

Sitasema mengi, ugonjwa huwa sio choice ya mtu. But agwas ulikuwa unamtumia ana average of 20k monthly. Nangoja village finance minister Dr. @Azor Ahai akuje na a good analysis regarding how Agambo should have spent his money then and where he should be financially today.

Luos are Kenya’s biggest simps. They like to pretend they’re romantic, lakini hao humwaga pesa ndio wapate coomer. Jaruo ana-earn 50k hawesmind kutumia 20k kupeleka dem out ndio amkule, na kumbuka ako na bibi na watoto wanategemea the remaining 30k. Alafu kumtumia credo ya punch, spa, na upuzi zingine.

It is.
Its not like you had a crystal ball to gaze into the future.
And moreover ungekaa na yeye mambo inge enda mrama mbaya…you just made a wise decision tena ki roho safi.
Isikutie wasi wasi…lakini joh…si ulikuwa simp mwenda.

:D:D:D:D … i wanted to say this kitambo nikaogopa matusi…
its okay to treat your gf and call her sweet names… but just do the necessary and also consider your pocket and don’t be stupid…

lakini ukiskia wajaluo wakisema vile wanajua kupeana mapenzi,
halafu wakiitwa “real men” na washed up ladies wanaisha nguvu…

any time a kenyan woman calls you a “real man” you need to evaluate your life choices… kuna pahali unachezwa

Hao na wanaija same wozzap group.


@Agwambo Kuna vile ulifungua roho Jana kuhusu marriage nikakuhurumia bana

:D:D:D sasa makosa ya ancestors ndio mtatumaliza nayo.

:D:D eti watu wa mercedes na bmw… na soft life…

Dodging a bullet is an idiomatic expression for avoiding big trouble. Could most likely mean uliondokea shida.

:D:D:D hope ulikula mkia

Kusimp nayo umesimp msee. You even allowed her to use you as a prop to take away a child from its father. Anyways, what matters is ulipata akili. Never be ashamed of putting your interests first as a man. We need to overcome the life-long conditioning we undergo that says a man has to sacrifice his interests for some woman.

The phrase tumia pesa ikuzoee and others originated from Nyanza. Mjaluo ana pesa then alewe is very philanthropic na kupenda kusifiwa.