Doctors = ODM Proxies?

Let us stop beating about the bush. KaWiper took the mic before he knew the script and was promptly hustled off the stage. JaKuon knew exactly what to say to retain the mic, and he had a prompter with another microphone to guide him and animate the crowd.

This thing can either snowball into the critical mass that Okoa and teargas failed to generate, or it can put the doctors in a position where they become ODM pawns.

Since NASA has failed to awaken the people and opposition areas have not registered enough voters to make a dent, chaos and crippling of government is the next best recourse. The chaos must culminate in aborted elections, followed by a negotiated coalition where JaKuon and entourage are accommodated. Long, long shot, but what else is there?


Doctors are people who care about the joke that is the healthcare system in Kenya.


What is JaKuon doing dancing when patients are dying, people are dying of hunger, (ref: copy and paste dab rhetoric)…

If I were among those released leaders, I’d call for an immediate press conference and disassociate the doctor’s from the VD-like JaKuon influence. They will definitely lose more because this government is not going to pull a Nyong’o and play to the gallery.


Niaje@sopranos aka amused?

Must be warm and stinky in unyes anus


Are guys aware of who took doctors to court??? Yeees…Jubilee government… You will be surprised

Teachers, lecturers and nurses are ODM proxies too.


Uko na ufala na experience.

You mean you took it personally the other day? Well, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Ukirusha ujinga, then you don’t have anybody else to blame.
As for “soprano”, I don’t know who that is but I am more of a baritone (hint: read up on voice types and gender)

Correction: they allowed themselves to be used as pawns by CORD (not just ODM) and they lost. Wrong move.

BTW, I think JaKuon and his troupe of clowns are claiming credit for something they had nothing to do with. The doctors agreed to resume talks after being shaved. It had ZERO to do with Mutula Kilonzo and James Orengo as the political malayas claimed.


Are you sure?

I think some people come here ‘under the influence’

Oluga amekondaaaaa

Then that means you are not sure.
Uliza uelezwe sio kuropokwa tu


Did somebody just mention ODM and the teachers?


Ngoja hapo.

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Ebu clarify to the genius above that I am not you…

Oh, so you have a breathalyzer? What about people like you that are under the constant influence of ‘dunce’?

Why would a whole Inspector General of the village police, @pamba, call me you, or you me? You just have to laugh!