Upuss. Laikipia would rather merge with Nakuru and nairofi than those two other counties. It’s a disaster.
Meanwhile Gathica and his buddy Jakuon wants expanded executive eti nobody wants to feel left outside the govt. Who told that idiot we feel being part of govt coz he’s the president and appoints majority of Greeks and specifically his friends in govt? Opportunism !!
People seem to have forgotten why these counties exist in the first place i.e ethnic friction.
Kenya spent 40+ years with just 8 provinces and completely failed to build ethnic harmony.
Some of these counties will be in perpetual state of tension and violence. Hakuna vile Pokot+ Turkana will ever exist harmoniously nor Isiolo-Samburu-Laikipia or Mandera-Wajir-Garissa nor Tana River-Lamu Kilifi.
Ndoto kabisa.
I support
Putting Bungoma and TransNzoia together is a disaster, have you ever asked yourself why the TransNzoia always vote for Ruto while Bungoma vote another person,Kiambu is too big to manage with Nairobi another disaster,Nairobi is the capital city and allocation is very different from other counties.
I think the solution is to scrap off women’s rep position and replace it with women’s positions in parties,reduce the number of Mps drastically and remove CDF,reduce number of MCA seats,abolish other posts that do not correspond with the constitution e.g. chiefs,county commissioners, merge some parastatals and their functions,reduce some percentage of salary from everyone from president to MCA,
Reducing the number of governors will just lead to more powerful governors and more ethnic tensions because most counties have major ethnic groups e.g combining West Pokot and Turkana would be a disaster. There is an alternative solution. Revert the sensitive functions such as health to the national government, slash the salaries of governors, MCAs, women reps and anyone at county level by more than 2/3 and allocate significantly less money to counties.
Do you seriously expect to give 10 billion to a governor and expect him to construct a hospital in his county which will incur recurrent expenditure forever going forward?? Governors are inclined to ignore any project that has recurrent expenditure because they significantly reduce the amount they can steal and when they steal, they get caught instantly when people miss salaries. This is why governors are better off handling one-off projects because they can be verified and that’s the end (no recurrent expenditure). A governor would rather construct a one billion football stadium or market or road than a 1 billion hospital because the free/subsidized hospital would take cash out of his pocket paying nurses, doctors and medical staff each month. I seriously think devolution was not well-thought out.
counties only take 10% of the money, no need of reducing them, proper looting is done by the national govt
Reduce wastage of public funds by:
- creating an independent judiciary to fight corruption;
2)voting in honest parliamentarians who are not afraid to impeach dishonest members of the executive at the national/ county level and
3)greater emphasis on public finance management which will stop all these scams and white elephants.
We can even go back to the old 8 provinces but nothing will be resolved if those 3 conditions remain unfulfilled.
the only draw back is tribalism and clanisim, which is the biggest hurdle.
na CAS?we’re fucked inside out, hata next government will be bloated, too many vested interest, you think the crowd following ruto will stay away? even the parastatal reforms which didn’t require any referendum was shelved.
We should also scrap the Senate, their duties can be easily taken over by parliamentarians, if anything MPs are as committed to devolution as MCAs since they are assured of development back home, most of them are also interested in either having their own candidate vie for the gubernatorial seat or even vie themselves.
Hapo kwa parastatals UK has a report submitted to him by Abdikadir Mohamed as far back as 2014 which recommended restructuring measures, this would be an opportune moment to liberate it from irrelevance and put it to work to liberate the billions he needs for his legacy projects.
The county mergers should be done according to population size and not ethnicity. Counties with small populations should be merged together
Chiefs and county commissioners are important, they help the national government to perform its agenda at the grassroots especially security and service delivery. Lakini nominated positions and commissions need to be reduced.
The mess I see with the health sector and looting spree in counties require consolidation of most of these counties. We should have no more than 20 counties or we use the old colonial districts.
Devolution is a good thing but with Kenyan political mindset, it will not work as it should especially when devolved unit is smaller and at the tribal /clan level. County governments are just collections of 47 tribal units or clans.
Equitable distribution of resources will still not be achieved considering the favoritism, nepotism and ‘clanism’ we see with counties. There will still be people who are marginalized especially due to their political persuasions.
To minimize the damage I think consolidating the counties will make it better.
Zero sense in the merger.
Now Kiambu which is 80% Kikuyu to be dominated by other communities in Nairobi in their own ancestral land???
It is either they will demand that all positions be Kikuyu or else!!
Mombasa and Taita Taveta in one county??? Heri ungesema Kilifi Kwale na Mombasa.
Which makes sense.
Turkana and West… Never gonna happen.
Leave the counties as they are.
The focus should be on cutting the wage bill first.
Introduce Biometric identification whereby if someone wants to get their salary their face is scanned into a 3D image (that way you cannot use a picture of someone) and life detection is used.
Ghost salaries and dead workers being paid will vanish just like that.
How about inviting HP or Dell to build a factory to make laptops and computers specifically for Government and for only work purposes whereby any transaction done is authenticated using 3D facial recognition and Life detection.
No INFIMIS transaction would ever take place without the face of the person doing it being stamped on the transaction.
Cease using any paper money in Government transactions.
We can deploy local payment processors like JamboPay(I know they have had a scandal, it is just an example) as well as Visa and Mastercard whereby all Government payments are Only in digital form. No handling of cash.
We lose sh 300 billion a year to this nonsense when the technology to curb it is there.
The Devolution Ministry also needs to establish guidelines of Employment groups at county level. We need to reduce the number of workers there.
In my opinion, why do we have hundreds of street sweepers when like 10 people can do that job with machines??
Only one part of Trans Nzoia votes for Ruto. Cherangany.
The rest vote in line with Bungoma because most are Bukusus.
because you will be killing jobs. remember the dinosaur refused farms to mechanise their shambas because it would render tea pickers jobless.
that is why
Hata Nigeria with population of 200 million million iko 36 states. Even 10 is enough for Kenya. It would be even better if they were square kama za America… Rather than being divided along tribal chieth.
43 tribes 47 counties wtf
So we keep complaining about no money for development because Counties are spending 70 percent of their money on recurrent expenditure but we also cannot do what is needed to make the money available.
Here is the thing, if there is money for development, those people will get jobs anyway. So the wage bill has to be cut.
Yeah, because those states in Central Nigeria from Jos, Niger State, Adamawa, Borno, Baluchi, Kaduna and the likes have been so peaceful right???
Kaduna is basically the forceful merger of a Muslim North (55% but only 30 percent of the land) and a Christian South(45% but 70% of the land).
In 2002,the state introduced Sharia Law and when the Christians protested, 2000 people died.
When a Christian Governor was elected he died in a mysterious plane crash.
In Niger State Christians are a slight majority(52%) but the Muslims instigate violence and thus Christians never vote in peace. As such they have been dominated by Muslims since 1999. Sharia law applies and kidnapping and force conversation of Christian girls is common.
Jos has been under assault on two fronts. The State Localization law states that only Indigenous people can vie for political seats
As such only the Berom who are Christian can vie.
However the Hausa want to be categorized as ‘locals’ too despite being migrants who went to mine Tin there.
The Berom asked them why aren’t the Christian migrants in Northern States given the same right as well, especially in Kano, they repell the question and start violence.
Then there are armed Fulani pastoralists invading their farms and shooting them if they try to defend themselves.
Better the 47counties we have!!